
  • 网络venturi meter;Venturi Flowmeter;LG-WQL
  1. 低温文丘里流量计计算机数据采集的实现

    Implementation of the Data Acquisition of the Venturi Flowmeter in Cryogenic System

  2. 本文简要比较了几种常用流量计的性能,分析了东深工程沿线供水计量中选用文丘里流量计的原因及应用特点,介绍了文丘里管流量计水实流标定系统组成、标定过程和有关数据的处理。

    Summary on the performance of several normal flowmeters , analyses on the explanation and application features of the Venturi flowmeter used in the water measurement in the Dongjiang-Shenzhen diversion pro-ject , introduction on the composition of real water calibration system , calibration and datum processes .

  3. 基于Profibus-DP的文丘里流量计设计

    The Design of a Venturi Flow Meter Based on Profibus-DP

  4. 因文丘里流量计无法检测回流,此情况发生。

    This occurs because venturi meters cannot detect backflow .

  5. 该方案以ECT电容传感器和文丘里管流量计为测量信息源,利用流型辨识结果,选择每种流型下最佳流量测量模型进行测量。

    The electrical capacitance sensor and the venturi flowmeter are used as the information source . The proposed method selects the optimal flowrate measurement model to implement the flowrate measurement of the oil-gas two-phase flow according to the identified flow pattern .

  6. 临界流文丘里喷嘴流量计的原理与应用

    The principle and application of critical flow Venturi nozzle flowmeter s

  7. 文丘里管流量计在东深工程供水计量中的应用

    Application of Venturi Tube in the Water Measurement in Dongjiang-Shenzhen Diversion Project

  8. 亚音速-音速文丘里智能流量计

    The Intelligent Venturi Flowmeter with Subsonic Speed and Sonic Speed

  9. 用内文丘里管流量计测量酸气流量

    Measurement of Acid Gas Flow by Means of Inner Venturi Tube Flowmeter

  10. 介绍了差压式内文丘里管流量计在焦炉煤气上的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of the new type differential pressure inner venturi tube flow meter in measuring coke oven gas and satisfactory result .

  11. 系统分别在主通道和采样通道上采用两个超临界流文丘里管流量计,使取样分析用的样气与总的稀释排气成固定的比例,即保证等比例采样。

    Two CFV are applied along the main channel and the sampling one in the system to assure the fixed ratio of the volume of the analyzed sample to the volume of total diluted emission .

  12. 介绍了文丘里皮托管流量计的原理、结构和测量水流量公式,以及采用流量法利用现场条件对文丘里皮托管流量计进行简易标定。

    The principle , structure and water flow measuring formula of Venturi Pitot tube flowmeter are introduced . The simple calibration with flow method adopting field condition is also presented .

  13. 通过对文丘里管和Coriolis流量计测量油水两相流各自的优点和存在的问题分析,提出了文丘里管和Coriolis流量计相结合的双参数测量方法。

    Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both Venturis and Coriolis flow meters , a double parameter measurement method is put forward with the combination of them both .

  14. 从测量精度、重复性和压力损失等方面对3种不同的文丘里管进行了比较研究,得到了设计文丘里流量计的基本方法。

    Methodologies for designing Venturi flow meters were developed to improve measurement precision and repeatability , and to minimize the pressure losses .