
  1. 标准节流装置在线迭代测量新方法的研究

    Study on the Standard Throttling Set On-line Iterative Measurement

  2. 标准节流装置在启动和低负荷工况的全补偿

    Compensation of All Parameters Concerned for the Standard Differential Pressure Device in Start up and Part Load

  3. 在研究传统的标准节流装置测量流量方法的基础上,提出标准节流装置在线迭代测量新方法。

    A new method about the standard throttling set on-line iterative measurement is proposed , that is based on flow measurement using the traditional standard throttling set .

  4. 目前对油田伴生气的计量基本上都是采用标准孔板节流装置配用CWD-430双波纹管差压计来进行计量。

    At present , the measurement of associated gas is basically made by using standard orifice control device together with CWD-430 differential pressure guage with double-ply bellows .

  5. 在采用标准孔板节流装置测量天然气流量时,盖压波动对测量精度影响甚大。

    The differential pressure fluctuation has a quite great influence upon the measure precision in measuring natural gas flow rate with the measuring device by use of standard orifice plate .

  6. 对标准孔板节流装置进行改进,最终设计出Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种开孔直径的节流装置,及其相应的Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种量程的分流量热式流量计。

    Ultimately , two kinds of partial flow thermal gas meters and the corresponding two throttling devices with different diameters , I and II type , are designed in this paper .

  7. 天然气标准孔板差压式流量计算机自动计量系统的检定,其中包括:标准孔板节流装置,静压、差压变送器、温度传感器、数据采集系统等组件的检定;

    The verification of the computer automatic measuring system of the standard orifice differential pressure gas flow rate , including the examination of standard orifice restricting device , static pressure differential pressure transmitter , temperature sensor and data acquisition system , etc. ;