
  • 【电】standard eye
  1. 对460例符合标准的干眼患者的DR-1泪膜干涉成像仪静态图像分级资料和SchirmerI试验的测定值进行分析。

    The data about the DR-1 tear interference images and the Schirmer I value of 460 patients ( 920 eyes ) were analyzed .

  2. 方法:以Gullstrand(1号)模型眼及标准人工晶状体眼部分数据为基础进行数理推导,导出无晶状体植入后房型人工晶状体模型眼的理论参数。

    Methods : Based on Gullstrand exact model eye ( No.1 ) and standard intraocular lens ' model eye , we deduced the mathematic parameters of model eyes with posterior chamber intraocular lens in ( aphakia ) .

  3. 用于测量人眼像差和视网膜成像质量的各种技术已经问世,然而至今还没有形成标准规范的眼像差测量方法。

    Although there are many measurements methods of the eye ′ s aberration , the standard method of human eye aberration has not been published .