
  • 网络Standard Science;normal science
  1. 在教育学史上,人们为了使教育学变成一门标准科学进行了不懈的努力。但无论是采用实证化路线还是定量化方法,或是采取价值中立态度都没有取得明显的成功。

    In the history of pedagogical studies , scholars have made every effort to make pedagogy a standard science , but no appreciable success has been achieved whether they adopt the positivistic paradigm or the quantitative method , or the neutral value-free attitude .

  2. 社会建构主义以激进的研究姿态,解构标准科学观,以揭示科学的世俗化特征,表明科学是修辞的产物、权力的象征。

    In radical studies , social constructivism deconstructs " standard scientific view " and reveals the secular characteristics .

  3. 要提高干部选拔任用的科学性,关键是要做到标准科学、程序科学、方法科学;

    The scientific selecting standards , procedure and methods are the three principles to do this work well .

  4. 海域使用基准价是海域使用金征收标准科学制定的基础。

    The criteria price valuation of sea area use is the basis of computing standardization of marine fees .

  5. 逻辑实证主义在对传统的标准科学描述时认为科学是真理性的、客观性、连续进步性的、理性的。

    Logical positivism in the description of the traditional standards of science when that science is truth , and objectivity , continuous progressive and rational .

  6. 为解决此问题,应做到双师型教师内涵界定明确化、培养途径多元化、评价标准科学化、专业管理制度化。

    We should make the connotation of the double-type teachers clear , train the multiple paths , have the evaluation standard be scientific and have the speciality management form the system in order to solve the last problems .

  7. 结论ISO质量标准具有科学性、实用性、系统性、实践性和指导性等特点,为护理管理者提供了工作思路。

    Conclusion ISO quality is scientific , systematic and instructive , and can provide train of thoughts for nursing management .

  8. 而采用金属横截面损失(LMA)作为报废标准更科学、准确。

    It is more reasonable to use the loss of metallic area ( LMA ) as the rejection criterion for wire ropes than the loss of the breaking strength ( LBS ) .

  9. 根据微量营养素风险评估结果制修订国家食品强化相关政策和法规标准是科学发展的必然趋势,是食品安全法的法律诉求,也是遵守国际贸易规则,合理设置SPS措施的重要体现。

    The inevitable trend that modification and revise of national food fortification regulations , rules and standards need to be based on the risk assessment of micronutrients is also the requirement of food safety law and international trade and reasonable SPS measurements .

  10. 护理人员编制的标准不够科学;

    The standard for nursing personnel posts is not scientific ;

  11. 建立燃气安全检查标准实行科学监管

    Establishment of Inspection Standard of Gas Safety and Implementation of Scientific Supervision

  12. 衡量语言进化的标准是科学的语言态度和语言质量。

    The criterion for language evolution is scientific language attitude and quality .

  13. 诉讼证明标准的科学重构

    Reconstruction of a Scientific System of the Criterion of Justification

  14. 如何确保产品标准的科学合理性

    How to Ensure the Scientific Rationality of Product Standards

  15. 结论该标准具有科学性、可行性。

    Conclusion This hygienic standard is scientific and practicable .

  16. 通过明确标准来科学界定行政审批事项的范围;

    Through nail down the standard to bound the range of administrative approval ;

  17. 科学、科学评判标准和科学精神

    Science , scientific critical criteria and scientific spirit

  18. 标准化科学技术进步奖励办法

    Reward Way for Science Technique Progresses of Standardization

  19. 社会科学的标准:科学性与合理性

    Criteria of Social Science ∶ Scientivity & Rationality

  20. 生产力标准与科学发展观的统一

    The Integration of the Standard of Productive Forces and the View of Scientific Development

  21. 在测量统计上国内外尚无统一的标准和科学的方法。

    In China , so far there is no statistically unified standard and scientific method .

  22. 建立标准化科学化的全面管理体系

    Establishing standardized and scientific overall management system

  23. 要满足这一要求,就必须有简洁、明了、层次分明的指标体系结构,明确的评价标准和科学的评价方法。

    Therefore , it demands concise index system , clear evaluation criteria and scientific evaluation methods .

  24. 我们必须宣传国家强制性防雷标准的科学性和系统性,以增强贯彻执行国家防雷标准的观念和实施。

    The scientific spirit and systematization of the national compelled lightning protection standard must be propagated .

  25. 标准的科学与否直接决定翻译批评质量的高低。

    Whether a translation evaluation is objective , scientific and appropriate depends on the evaluation criterion .

  26. 提升继续教育标准建立科学的检验人员岗位培训体系

    Raising Standards of Continuing Education and Establishing a Scientific Job-related Training System for Clinical Laboratory Personnel

  27. 这一结果可作为制订人体对坐姿着陆冲击耐限标准的科学依据。

    The results might be useful for setting human tolerance standards to landing impact in sitting position .

  28. 指出标准的科学性是产品检测公正性和准确性的前提。

    The article points out that perfection of standard is precondition to guarantee fair and correct testing .

  29. 可译性限度的存在否定了对等或对应作为翻译标准的科学性。

    The existence of limitations of translatability makes it impossible for equivalence to be a criterion of translation .

  30. 为制定钨矿粉尘卫生标准提供科学依据。

    It might be taken as a scientific basis for establishing the hygienic standed of dust in wolfram mine .