
  • 网络website translation
  1. 除电力和专利这两大支持业务外,公司还涉及其他多种业务,如网站翻译/本地化、高级英语培训等。

    In addition to these two main businesses stated above , such other businesses as website translation / localization and senior English training etc. are also covered .

  2. 我想把我的网站翻译成中文。

    I would like to translate my website into Chinese .

  3. 大学程度,三年以上有限公司书信及网站翻译经验。

    I am an University Graduate and had acquired over three years English translation experience on commercial document ;

  4. 注意,我们虽然对将整个网站翻译到其他语种有兴趣,但是仅仅几页也是有帮助的。

    Note that we 're interested in getting the complete website translated for each language , but even a few pages will still be helpful .

  5. 代理商网站界面翻译成中文-我们能读懂英文,但是中文界面会更有好一些。

    Vendor UI localization for Chinese-we can read english , but it would be more friendly to have Chinese ui .

  6. 该集团表示其一直在更新网站的翻译,不过它坚称此举“与当前的事件无关”。

    The group said it constantly updated translations , but insisted the move was " nothing to do with current events . "

  7. 这是因为,对于网站要翻译为的每种语言,您都可以为它创建一个单独的资源文件。

    This is because you can create a separate resource file for each language into which you want to translate a web page .

  8. 本文基于证券翻译实践,以上海证券交易所网站的翻译内容为材料,通过对证券英语词汇特点的分析,探索证券英语词汇的翻译技巧。

    Based on the practice of security translation and the translation materials from Shanghai Stock Exchange Web-site , this thesis analyses the features of security words and explores the translation skills of security words .

  9. 僵尸网络攻击了Dyn,令它无法将许多主要网站的名称翻译成互联网可以理解的地址,导致网络访问中断。

    The botnet attacked Dyn , making it unable to translate the names of many major websites into addresses that the internet can understand , so disrupting access .

  10. 3000元制作外文版网站,免翻译服务费。

    Free translation and build website in foreign language only cost rmb3000 .

  11. 领馆网站的中文翻译是:您被拒签过吗?

    Have you ever been refused a U.S.

  12. 第四章基于接受美学理论,系统分析了湖北外宣门户网站的英文翻译。

    The fourth chapter systematically analyses the English translation of government web portals in Hubei province from Reception Aesthetics .

  13. 曾兼职从事商品广告、医药论文,网站建设等翻译。

    I have translated lots of advertisements , medical thesises and involved in website buildings as my part-time job .

  14. 特斯拉将上述网页错误归咎于“更正(其全部亚洲语言网站的)翻译差异的过程”。

    Tesla blamed a " process of changing any discrepancies in translation " across its Asian language websites for the error .

  15. 小章不懂外语,所有的都是网站上在线翻译的,所以联系我的话最好您会中文。

    Small chapter don 't understand language , all are website online translation , so you 'd better you will contact me in Chinese .

  16. 如果我们的网站还没翻译成您的语言,而您愿意帮忙,请参考如何开始一个新的翻译计划。

    If our web site isn 't translated in your language , and you would want to help , please see instructions on how to start a new translation .

  17. 在实时浏览翻译网站的机器翻译系统中,为解决有关数字与数词表达形式的词法分析问题,通过分析相关语料,总结出此类语言形式的一般特点;

    For resolving morphology analysis problem of expressions involving numerals in Internet Real-time Browsing Translation system , this paper analyzes the related language material and sums up character of such expressions .

  18. 此网站把文言文翻译为白话文或英语时,采取的态度是:尽量地,最忠诚地,紧贴反映原来的文言文。

    This website 's approach in translating classical Chinese , whether into English or vernacular ( modern spoken ) Chinese , is to try to stick as faithfully as possible to the original classical Chinese .