
  • 网络Subjects;Subject Search;Topic Search;Subject terms
  1. WEB主题检索的性能优化设计

    Performance Optimization of Web Topic Search

  2. 情报科学的核心理论问题是确定电子数据库不同“主题检索点”的有用性。这个问题也与含义和语义学理论有关。

    The core problem of the theory of information science is to judge the value of access points of various subjects in electronic databases , which relates to the theory of meaning and semantics .

  3. Web教学资源主题检索系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a Web-based Education Resources Topic-focused Retrieval System

  4. 本文提出了一种基于Web的教学资源主题检索系统设计方案。

    In this paper , we propose a web-based education resources topic-focused retrieval system .

  5. 目的:探讨美国《化学文摘》光盘数据库(CAonCD)的主题检索方式。

    OBJECTIVE : To inquired the descriptor retrieval means of CA on CD .

  6. Web主题检索系统作为一个将采集技术与过滤方法结合的新兴检索工具,越来越成为了Web信息检索技术的研究热点。

    As a new tool for information retrieval which is combined with filtering methods , the web topic detection is becoming a research hotspot in the web information searching .

  7. Web主题检索是信息检索领域一个将采集技术与过滤方法结合的新兴方向,也是信息处理领域的研究热点。

    Focused web crawling is a new crawling direction in the field of information retrieval which is combined with filtering methods . And it also is a research hotspot in the information processing field .

  8. 然后,针对现有主题检索系统在Web页面文本的主题相关性判断存在的问题,提出TDT事件主题识别模型,优化系统的主题识别性能;

    Secondly , in order to improve the performance of the Web Topic Detection System , the paper introduces one performance optimization method , which is the TDT recognition model on event topic .

  9. 对OPAC研究中所提出的改进建议进行了评述,归纳出三种方法:增加主题检索途径,改进书目记录,如增补目次和书后索引再结合自动截断等;

    Three improved methods are drawn from OPAC studies in the paper : ( 1 ) Some subject search approaches are added for enhancement of bibliographic records ;

  10. 结果与结论:CAonCD是医药学及化学工作者不可或缺的数据库之一,而主题检索方式具有较高的查全率和查准率,在实际工作中可作为首选。

    In the end , it put forward the limitations of it . RESULTS & CONCLUSION : CA on CD is the fundamental database for medicinal worker and its descriptor retrieval means has very high recall and precision ratio , so we should choose this means first .

  11. 论主题检索系统中先组词的选择和使用

    The Choice and Use of Pre coordinate Vocabularies in Subject Retrieval Systems

  12. 图书馆自动化集成系统中的主题检索研究

    The Study on Subject Retrieval of Integrated Library Automation System

  13. 主题检索在网络环境下的角色

    The role of subject terms searching under the network circumstances

  14. 网络信息主题检索性能优化研究

    Research on the Optimizing of Subject Retrieval of Networked Information

  15. 文献主题检索中导词的运用

    The Use of Guided Words in Document Subject Retrieval

  16. 中英文文献数据库通用主题检索模块设计

    Design of General Subject-Searching Module for Chinese-English Document Database

  17. 联机目录可大大提高主题检索能力,人们早已达成共识。

    It is generally agreed that online catalogs can enhance the ability of subject search .

  18. 节水农业文献数据库主题检索系统的建立

    A study on development and utilization of water-saving agriculture literature resources ON THE FULL-TEXT RETRIEVAL SYSTEM

  19. 主题检索点新探

    Access Point of Subjects

  20. 指出了主题检索语言应走与自然语言相结合的道路,成为高层次搜索引擎的重要角色。

    On the other hand it points out that the subject searching language should combine with the natural language , so to become an important role - play in search engine on high level .

  21. 总结了多种网络信息主题检索性能的优化措施,提出了网络信息主题检索性能优化的原则,指出了主题组织法性能优化过程中应当注意的一些问题。

    The paper summarizes several kinds of performance optimizing measures about networked information subject retrieval and also puts forward five optimizing principles . Then it also points out seven problems that should be paid attention to .

  22. 为使党政机关公文处理更加规范,便于公文的立卷归档,适应计算机主题检索及公文管理现代化的需要,党政机关公文必须标注主题词。

    To meet the needs of modernizations of public documents management and subject index search by computer , subject terms are required to be marked in the documents so as to further normalize them for filing .

  23. 对《中文社科报刊篇名数据库》分类主题检索效率的分析通过控制提高检索效率是情报语言学研究的根本目的。

    The Analysis of Classification and Subject Retrieval Ratio of Title Data Base of Chinese Social Sciences NewsPapers and Periodicals The fundamental purpose of research on information linguistics is to improve the information retrieval ratio through control .

  24. 为了满足计算机主题检索的需要,有必要根据待索引文档的类型和检索的需求对待索引文档设置不同的权值,有效地提高计算机专业文档的权重,以提高检索计算机主题信息的精度。

    In order to meet the need of computer theme retrieval , it is necessary to set weight according to the type of document for index and retrieval needs to effectively improve the weight of computer professional documents .

  25. 本论文从面向主题信息检索的角度出发,研究了在信息检索过程中利用本体、知识库以及多Agent等技术来提高人们检索信息的效率。

    This thesis from the aspect of topic oriented information searching area , studies how to take advantage of self , knowledge base and multi-Agent to improve the efficiency .

  26. MEDLINE的三种主要检索方式是医学主题词检索、自由词检索和布尔逻辑方式检索。

    Three major ways of MEDLINE searching are the medical subject headings ( MeSH ) search , text word search and Boolean calculation search .

  27. 当前,主题信息检索应用数据库技术的研究可在两个方面展开:XML的关系数据库应用研究,XMLMARC的信息描述和主题检索。

    At present , the researches on the technologies of subject information retrieval application databases are reflected in two aspects , i. e. the researches on the applications of XML relational databases and the information description and subject retrieval of XML MARC .

  28. 其中标准检索模块采用Lucene搜索引擎技术,利用ICTCLAS中文分词组件,来实现有效的主题词检索。

    The standard retrieval module uses Lucene search engine technology , using ICTCLAS Chinese word components , to achieve efficient topic word retrieval .

  29. 作者通过上海市图书馆的馆藏书目检索系统,对其馆藏图书进行有关网上拍卖的主题词检索。又通过专门帐号查询OCLC的商业数据库,利用词语组配、逻辑符号等进行高级检索和专家检索。

    The writer searched the bibliotheca of the Shanghai Library and searched the commercial database of the OCLC through the special account number by means of superior searching and expert searching etc.

  30. 结合两种相似度计算的主题信息检索方法研究

    Research on Information Retrieval Methods Based on Two Similarity Calculation