
zhǔ ɡuǎn kuài jì
  • accountant in charge;in-charge accountant
  1. 协助主管会计做相关税务工作。

    Assist accountant to do relevant work of taxation .

  2. 主管会计单位、二级会计单位、基层会计单位如何划分?

    How does unit of unit of officer treasurer unit , 2 class treasurer , basic level treasurer differentiate ?

  3. 说明了实行会计委派制的具体做法,包括主管会计委派方式和会计集中核算方式;

    The detailed way of working in Accounting Assignment System is given which includes the way of chief accountant assignment and the way of centralized accounting .

  4. 总部位于西班牙,在生产电子及自动化设备领域居于比较领先的地位,目前正在为其在中国江苏省南通市海安县的工厂寻觅主管会计。

    Leading Spanish company in Electronics & Automation Appliances business is looking for an Chief Accountant to work for their new factory in Hai An ( Jiangsu province ) .

  5. 被解雇的管理人员包括前销售经理、主管和会计。

    The unemployed executives include former sales managers , directors and accountants .

  6. 然后我就把报告交给主管或会计主任或是别的什么人。

    Then I give the report to the director or accounts manager or whoever .

  7. 在信息技术(IT)被大多数高级主管视为会计和简单事务处理的“后勤部门”的三十年之后,IT获得了爆炸性增长。

    After three decades in which information technology ( IT ) was viewed by most senior executives as belonging to the " back office " of accounting and hum-drum transaction processing , IT has broken out .

  8. 随着我国上市公司财务报告舞弊问题的日益严重和由此带来的严重的经济后果,财务报告舞弊问题业已引起广大投资者、债权人和政府主管部门以及会计准则制定机构的极大关注。

    With the problem of fraudulent financial reporting becoming more and more serious among the listed companies of PRC , and thus economic consequence incurred , investors , creditors , government and institutions related have already taken the fraud into great consideration .

  9. 企业会计主管的性质与会计人员委派制问题。

    The nature of firms controller and the appointment of accountants .

  10. 会计主管由于民营企业会计职能定位不高,面临着制度、政策和法律环境等问题。

    Due to the loose and obscure function of accountancy in the non-state-owned enterprises , the accounting manager is confronted with the problems of system , policy and law performing environment .