
  1. 客观处罚条件与主客观相统一原则的关系;

    Relationships between objective punishment condition and the principle of integration of object and subject ;

  2. 犯罪故意的学理分析&从一则盗窃案例小议主客观相统一原则

    Theoretical Analysis of " Deliberateness " of the Crime : With a Theft Case as an Example

  3. 主客观相统一原则的生成与内涵

    On the Formation and Connotation of the Principle of Integrating the Subject and the Object in Chinese Criminal Law

  4. 论定罪中的主客观相统一原则&解读刑法理论中的主观主义与客观主义

    The Principle of the Unification of Subjectivity and Objectivity in Condemnation & Understanding Subjectivism and Objectivism in Criminal Law Theories

  5. 定罪的实体法原则包括罪之法定原则、主客观相统一原则、必要性原则。

    The latter involves principle of conviction according to laws , principle of correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity , principle of necessity .

  6. 严格责任并非是一种客观归罪,坚持了我国刑法理论的主客观相统一原则。

    Strict liability is not an objective blame , it insists on the unity of objective and subjective principles of criminal law theory .

  7. 传统意义上的主客观相统一原则是在归责要素意义上对刑法归责的要求;

    The traditional meaning of Unification of Subjectivity and Objectivity requires that there must be subjectivity and objectivity elements to impose the criminal responsibility .

  8. 定罪中的主客观相统一原则不是静态的要件之统一,而是定罪过程中复数主体间的共识。

    The principle of the unification of subjectivity and objectivity in condemnation is not static unification of conditions , but the consensus among multiple subjects in the process of condemnation .

  9. 析教唆犯与间接正犯之间认识错误的认定与处理以部分的主客观相统一原则为立场共犯异罪的立法研究谈刑法中的独立从犯与独立教唆犯

    On Determination and Management of the Error of Cognition Between Abettor and Indirect Guilt A Legislative Study of Different Charges against Accomplices ── On independent abettor and independent accessory in law

  10. 符合刑法当中罪责刑相适应原则和主客观相统一原则的要求,同时也顺应了公正性和功利性相统一的趋势。

    Meet the criminal law the principle of which fit guilt and punishment requirements of the principle of unity of subjective and objective , but also conforms to the unity of fairness and utilitarian trend .

  11. 然而,中国传统法律思想、中国刑事立法的发展以及中国刑法的主客观相统一原则等都与刑法主观主义存在密切的联系,刑法主观主义的合理性不容抹杀,学界需要认真对待刑法主观主义。

    However , the Chinese traditional legal thoughts , the development of criminal legislation in China and the principle of unity between objectivity and subjectivity in Chinese criminal law are all closely related to criminal subjectivism . Criminal subjectivism should be taken seriously by Chinese criminal law scholars .

  12. 最后,在违法性认识的司法认定上,提出应由司法人员结合案件的具体情况、依主客观相统一的原则进行判断,并且建议借鉴日本刑法理论和实践经验对一些特殊情况做出例外规定。

    At last , in judicatory cognizance of illegal consciousness , the author puts forward that the judiciary should judge on specific case and the principal of correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity .

  13. 主客观相统一的定罪原则并不否定主观超过因素的存在。

    The conviction rule of the unification of subjectivity and objectivity do not deny the existence of over subjective factors .

  14. 我国刑法理论中存在主客观相统一的定罪原则,很多学者都错误的将主客体统一的内容纳入其中。

    In our criminal law theory , the dialectical unification of subjective and objective is a principle that determines who is guilt ;

  15. 将其引入到我国刑法理论中并不违背主客观相统一的定罪原则,而且具有以下几点意义:能够说明某些犯罪的主观罪过形式;

    If it is initiated into our country 's criminal theory , it does not go against the principle of declaring guilty for the subjective and objective unity ;