
ēn huì
  • grace;favor;mercy;favour;boon;kindness;bounty
恩惠 [ēn huì]
  • [favor] 他人给予的或给予他人的好处

恩惠[ēn huì]
  1. 对一个老人,这么一点小小的恩惠,你总不会拒绝吧。

    You wouldn 't deny an old man that small favour .

  2. 现在,德国有无可能回馈这一恩惠?

    Is there any chance that Germany will now return this favour ?

  3. 面试官的口气让人觉得受了他多大恩惠似的,实在没有必要。

    The tone of the interview was unnecessarily patronizing .

  4. 他受过黑手党的恩惠。

    He was made beholden to the Mafia

  5. 我期望上帝的恩惠。

    I hope the grace of God would descend on me .

  6. 我受过他不少恩惠。

    I have received many kindnesses from him .

  7. 他们并没有得到国家的什么特别恩惠。

    They didn 't receive any special favours from the state .

  8. 那个和尚每天祈求恩惠。

    The monks prayed daily for grace .

  9. 我必须报答她的恩惠。

    I must repay her for her kindness .

  10. 只要有internet就可以享受到网络课堂的恩惠。

    You can enjoy the benefaction of internet course if only log on internet .

  11. 因此即使你不记得CD出现之前的黑暗时代,但很快你就能享受到可下载的旧时音乐,这是数字改革的恩惠。

    So even if you don 't remember the dark ages before CDs , you may soon be able to enjoy down-loadable old-time music , courtesy of the digital revolution .

  12. 左翼政党声称,这项协议使印度蒙受美国的恩惠。预计这些党派将呼吁对团结进步联盟(UnitedProgressiveAlliance)政府发起不信任投票。

    The leftwing parties , which claim the deal makes India beholden to Washington , are now expected to call for a vote of no confidence in the United Progressive Alliance government .

  13. 感戴(gratitude)一词来源于拉丁字根gratia,意思是恩惠、令人愉快的。

    The word gratitude is derived from the Latin gratia , meaning favor and pleasing .

  14. 自1983年首例转基因作物(GeneticallyModifiedCrops,GMC)问世以来,作为一项科学新产物,在给人类带来巨大恩惠的同时也可能带来了潜在的风险。

    The first Genetically Modified Crops ( GMC ), which was born in the 1983 maybe have brought up potential risk when it gave human much favor .

  15. 实际上,Mytheresa.com网站的采购主管贾斯汀·奥谢伊(JustinO’Shea)说,中性风对于设计师来说是一种恩惠。

    Practically speaking , gender-neutrality is a boon for designers , said Justin O'Shea , the buying director for Mytheresa.com .

  16. 感恩(gratitude)是指受惠者在意识到受到外界的恩惠后,在内心产生认可、并意欲回报的一种积极的情绪特质,这种积极的情绪特质能促使个体做出回报外界的行为。

    Abstract Gratitude is a positive emotional trait , when beneficiary realizes that he or she receives boon from outside , he or she will have the approval in the innermost feelings , and cares for the back coupling .

  17. Gilligan博士说她想感谢法官“经过考虑的判决”及其给予的使她能够来出席听证会“恩惠”。

    Dr Gilligan said she wished to thank the judge for her " considered judgment " and the " graciousness " with which she had approached the hearing .

  18. 这些花是用来对您的恩惠略表谢意的。

    These flowers are a small acknowledgement of your great kindness .

  19. 感谢上帝不断赐予我恩惠!

    Blessed be God for the mercies He continually sends me !

  20. 我知道我对他们的恩惠是感激不尽的。

    I know that my debt to them is beyond measure .

  21. 我怎样报答你的恩惠呢?

    How can I repay ( you for ) your kindness ?

  22. 在这一世过新人生,必有恩惠相随。

    Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me ;

  23. 她前言不搭后语地对他表示感谢,好像受到了什么恩惠。

    She thanked him incoherently , as if for a favor .

  24. 转运恨魔术;他们甚至有专门的反魔法恩惠。

    Orcs hate magic ; they even have special anti-magic perks .

  25. 在这段期间,他们给德国人一些小恩惠。

    All the while they paid the Germans in small coin .

  26. 那就是从悲惨走向恩惠的方式。

    That is the way out of wretchedness and into grace .

  27. 是的,恩惠作为一个演员是一个新手。

    Yes , Eun Hye as an actor is a rookie .

  28. 我们要怎么才能报答你的恩惠呢?

    How can we pay you back for your great help ?

  29. 因为哪怕是最小的恩惠都是有价格的。

    Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag .

  30. 他们对我们的恩惠我们永远也报答不了。

    The debt we owed them could never be paid .