
dān xīn
  • a loyal heart;loyalty
丹心 [dān xīn]
  • (1) [a loyal heart] 忠诚之心

  • 一片丹心

  • (2) 又叫丹寸、丹魄、丹襟、丹诚、丹慊、丹恳、丹愚、丹款、丹悃、丹抱、丹府、丹衷、丹局

  • 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。--宋. 文天祥《过零丁洋》

丹心[dān xīn]
  1. 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。(文天祥《过零丁洋》)

    Everyone must die ; let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history .

  2. “人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”虽是悲剧性的结果,却让我们在他们身上看到了人性的崇高!

    Just as an old saying goes ," A death befalls all men alike , I 'll keep a loyal heart to make a name in history ", although their life ends tragically , we may see the sublimity of humanity from them .

  3. 但无一拥有你的恒久丹心。

    But you like none , none you , for constant heart .

  4. 王处一建构了博大精深的全真思想体系,开创以清净苦修成仙的嵛山一派,推进了全真道内丹心性学新发展。

    Wang constructs a profound ideological system and open Yu Shan school , promoting Quan Zhen in the steps to learn new development .

  5. 人去遗文在丹心育门生&纪念我国图书馆学教育家王重民先生王符民本思想的再发现及其价值重估

    In the Memory of Professor Wang Zhongmin , One of the Famous Educationists in Library Science ; Wang Fu 's People-Based Thinking and Its Revaluation Value

  6. 结果:银丹心脑通软胶囊治疗组治疗心绞痛总有效率为83.3%,心电图疗效为53.3%,中医症状总有效率为86.7%;

    Results : In patients of treatment group the total effect was 83.3 % , the recovery of ECG was 53.3 % and of improved rate of symptoms was 86.7 % .

  7. 冰雪中一树红梅,仿佛是一树红红的火焰在熊熊燃烧,她的一片烈火丹心即不把白雪融化却能把白雪相映得更加的圣洁。

    Strawberry ice in a tree , a tree like a red flame burning , and her loyalty is not a fire but the snow melted snow serves as contrast can be more holy .

  8. 深受港、澳同胞欢迎并享有“仁心仁术,平凡之中显大爱,医德医魂,丹心一片济众生”的美誉。

    By Hong Kong , Macao welcome and enjoy " with both a benevolent mind and heart , ordinary among the big love , medical ethics Yihun , really a relief sentient beings " reputation .

  9. 其它药效学实验结果表明,丹心痛可明显减少醋酸致痛小鼠的扭体次数和延长出现扭体反应的时间、降低甲醛致痛实验中小鼠的痛反应分数。

    In other pharmacodynamics studies , DXT pretreatment provided significant reduction in writhing frequency and prolonged the time of the first writhing in acetic acid-induced pain model in mice , reduced pain reaction score in formaldehyde-induced pain model in mice .