
  • 网络Daniels;Mitch Daniels;Antonio Daniels
  1. 该调查缘起于前印第安纳州州长、共和党人米奇&12539;丹尼尔斯(MitchDaniels),他在2013年1月就任普度大学(PurdueUniversity)校长。

    The poll is the brainchild of former Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels , who became president of Purdue University in January 2013 .

  2. 同样的,其他的现任或前任州长都是本刊物希望看到的参赛者——他们分别是杰布??布什、克里斯??克瑞斯蒂、米奇??丹尼尔斯和里克??佩里。

    All the same , there are other current and former governors who this newspaper wishes were in the race - notably Jeb Bush , Chris Christie , Mitch Daniels and Rick Perry .

  3. 丹尼尔斯把胳膊搭在了他朋友的肩上。

    Daniels swept his arm over his friend 's shoulder .

  4. 丹尼尔斯和富兰克林一致同意一位调查人员的建议,即警方应该受到赞扬。

    Daniels and Franklin concurred in an investigator 's suggestion that the police be commended

  5. 丹尼尔斯冷静、坦率时状态最佳;而好斗、爱辩时则不然。

    Daniels is at his best when he 's cool and direct , rather than combative and polemical .

  6. 丹尼尔斯先生需要向学生和其家长证明就读普渡大学的高额花费是有道理的。

    Mr. Daniels needed to justify the high cost of attending Purdue to its students and their families .

  7. 对于丹尼尔斯一家来说,个人DNA检测器就像针对21世纪设计的化学实验。

    For the Daniels family , the personal DNA machine is like the chemistry set for the 21st century .

  8. 例如丹尼尔斯一家,在芝加哥郊区的家庭地下室建立了一个DNA实验室。

    The Daniels family , for example , set up a DNA lab in the basement of their suburban Chicago home .

  9. 罗杰•丹尼尔斯(RogerDaniels)是辛辛那提大学(UniversityofCincinnati)历史学系荣誉退休教授,也是16部书的作者和约90部书的编辑。

    Roger Daniels is a professor emeritus of history at the University of Cincinnati .

  10. 约翰H丹尼尔斯在多伦多多伦多大学建筑,景观和设计学院也认可的本科和研究生学位。

    The John H.Daniels Faculty of Architecture , Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto in Toronto is also accredited for both undergraduate and graduate degrees .

  11. 丹尼尔斯所使用的安全软件是洛杉矶AwarenessTechnologies公司生产的InterGuard,它被一些金融服务和医疗企业以及其他企业用来跟踪员工的工作效率、防止信息泄露以及遵守信息安全方面的规定。

    The security program Mr. Daniels uses , InterGuard by Awareness Technologies in Los Angeles , is used by financial-services , health-care and other employers to track productivity , prevent leaks and comply with security regulations .

  12. 但现在,丹尼尔斯说,他认为印州也需要签署RTW法案。

    Now , however , Mr Daniels says he believes the state needs to sign up as well .

  13. 丹尼尔斯表示,Facebook一直倾听所有批评,而且对Internet.org做出了很多调整,包括向其他希望在该平台提供免费服务的公司开放。

    Mr. Daniels said Facebook had been listening to all the criticism and had made many changes to Internet.org , including opening it to other companies that wanted to offer free services on the platform .

  14. 丹尼尔斯补充道,通过将软件和服务业务联系得更为紧密,ibm得以使自己的利润率领先于惠普,并有望在未来5年,通过进一步扩张来维持其领先地位。

    By tying its software and services businesses more closely together , IBM has been able to boost its profit margins ahead of HP and is on track to maintain its lead with further expansion over the next five years , he added .

  15. AnxiousToddlers的娜塔莎-丹尼尔斯承认你的孩子置于此种危险的情况几率很小,但是她坚称确保孩子们能保持机警是很重要的。

    Natasha Daniels at Anxious Toddlers admits the ' chances are small ' of your child being in such a perilous situation , but insists it 's important to make sure they are alert .

  16. 加州奥克兰26岁的丹尼尔斯(DoraDaniels)说,她从旧金山市中心公交站附近的巨大广告牌上得知了三星最新的GalaxySIII。

    Dora Daniels , 26 , of Oakland , Calif. , said she learned about Samsung 's latest Galaxy S III because of giant ads plastered around a downtown San Francisco transit station .

  17. 我们与客户所做的几宗交易向欧洲的销售,让我感觉糟透了,高盛一销售人员2007年10月致信丹尼尔斯博克(DanielSparks)时写道。斯博克是高盛抵押贷款业务主管。

    Real bad feeling across European sales about some of the trades we did with clients , one Goldman salesman wrote to Daniel Sparks , who headed the bank 's mortgage department , in October 2007 .

  18. 丹尼尔斯说,我想我是有点傻,我不想成为营销手段的奴隶,但是它确实让我十分着迷。不久前,她抛弃了自己的旧款iPhone,换成了三星手机。

    ' It 's silly because I don 't want to be a slave to marketing but it really got into my head , ' said Ms. Daniels , who recently switched to the Samsung phone from an older iPhone .

  19. 然而就是在最近,丹尼尔斯还在拒绝让印州成为RTW州(众所周知的“工作权利法案”)。

    Until recently , though , Mr Daniels had resisted calls to make Indiana what is known as a " right-to-work " ( RTW ) state .

  20. 即使后来,丹尼尔斯进入百万富翁的行列,为了避重税不得不搬到马恩岛(IsleofMan),他的朋友也仅限于摩托俱乐部内,这里有他能找到对老式宾利车和赛车的共同爱好者。

    Even later , when he had put himself in the millionaires ' bracket and had to move to the Isle of Man for tax reasons , his friends were in the motoring clubs where he shared his other passion , for vintage Bentleys and racing cars .

  21. “别以为你知道公司对你的期望是什么,”莎伦•丹尼尔斯说。她是位于坦帕市的培训和职业发展公司AchieveGlobal的首席执行官。

    " Don 't assume you know what 's expected of you ," says Sharon Daniels , CEO of Tampa-based training and development firm AchieveGlobal .

  22. 英国金融投资署和机构股东都全力支持丹尼尔斯,他们认为,丹尼尔斯有能力完成劳埃德与hbos非常复杂的整合这是英国历史上规模最大的银行业整合。

    UKFI and institutional shareholders are all fully supportive of Mr Daniels , who is seen to have the skills to complete the very complex integration of Lloyds and HBOS the largest ever banking merger attempted in the UK .

  23. 新法2月1号在州参议院获得通过,当天有丹尼尔斯签署,这样一来,印州,成为了美国通过RTW法案的第23个州。这也是美国传统工业带第一个通过此法的州。

    The new legislation was passed by the state Senate on February 1st and was signed by Mr Daniels that very day , making Indiana the 23rd RTW state in America - and the first such state in the nation 's old manufacturing belt .

  24. 5.runfor竞选;匆匆去取;赶紧去请丹尼尔斯先生仍然坚称他不大可能竞选总统。

    Mr Daniels still insists he is unlikely to run for president .

  25. 弗雷迪.丹尼尔斯认为那是喀麦隆最好的演讲之一。

    Freddie Daniells considers it one of Cameron 's finest .

  26. 丹尼尔斯太太说我的作业有太多荧光了。

    Mrs. Daniels says my projects have too much glitter .

  27. 副总统丹尼尔斯现在是这国家的领导人。

    Vice President Daniels is running this country now .

  28. 我们说过,那出戏是由汝安丹尼尔斯导演的。

    The play was directed , as we said , by Ron daniels .

  29. 你认为丹尼尔斯会让你回去?

    You think Daniels will have you back ?

  30. 丹尼尔斯说,去火星旅行的时候这款表就能大显身手。

    Mr Daniels liked to say it would be useful for trips to Mars .