- 网络Daniels;Mitch Daniels;Antonio Daniels

The poll is the brainchild of former Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels , who became president of Purdue University in January 2013 .
All the same , there are other current and former governors who this newspaper wishes were in the race - notably Jeb Bush , Chris Christie , Mitch Daniels and Rick Perry .
Daniels swept his arm over his friend 's shoulder .
Daniels and Franklin concurred in an investigator 's suggestion that the police be commended
Daniels is at his best when he 's cool and direct , rather than combative and polemical .
Mr. Daniels needed to justify the high cost of attending Purdue to its students and their families .
For the Daniels family , the personal DNA machine is like the chemistry set for the 21st century .
The Daniels family , for example , set up a DNA lab in the basement of their suburban Chicago home .
Roger Daniels is a professor emeritus of history at the University of Cincinnati .
The John H.Daniels Faculty of Architecture , Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto in Toronto is also accredited for both undergraduate and graduate degrees .
The security program Mr. Daniels uses , InterGuard by Awareness Technologies in Los Angeles , is used by financial-services , health-care and other employers to track productivity , prevent leaks and comply with security regulations .
Now , however , Mr Daniels says he believes the state needs to sign up as well .
Mr. Daniels said Facebook had been listening to all the criticism and had made many changes to Internet.org , including opening it to other companies that wanted to offer free services on the platform .
By tying its software and services businesses more closely together , IBM has been able to boost its profit margins ahead of HP and is on track to maintain its lead with further expansion over the next five years , he added .
Natasha Daniels at Anxious Toddlers admits the ' chances are small ' of your child being in such a perilous situation , but insists it 's important to make sure they are alert .
Dora Daniels , 26 , of Oakland , Calif. , said she learned about Samsung 's latest Galaxy S III because of giant ads plastered around a downtown San Francisco transit station .
Real bad feeling across European sales about some of the trades we did with clients , one Goldman salesman wrote to Daniel Sparks , who headed the bank 's mortgage department , in October 2007 .
' It 's silly because I don 't want to be a slave to marketing but it really got into my head , ' said Ms. Daniels , who recently switched to the Samsung phone from an older iPhone .
Until recently , though , Mr Daniels had resisted calls to make Indiana what is known as a " right-to-work " ( RTW ) state .
Even later , when he had put himself in the millionaires ' bracket and had to move to the Isle of Man for tax reasons , his friends were in the motoring clubs where he shared his other passion , for vintage Bentleys and racing cars .
" Don 't assume you know what 's expected of you ," says Sharon Daniels , CEO of Tampa-based training and development firm AchieveGlobal .
UKFI and institutional shareholders are all fully supportive of Mr Daniels , who is seen to have the skills to complete the very complex integration of Lloyds and HBOS the largest ever banking merger attempted in the UK .
The new legislation was passed by the state Senate on February 1st and was signed by Mr Daniels that very day , making Indiana the 23rd RTW state in America - and the first such state in the nation 's old manufacturing belt .
Mr Daniels still insists he is unlikely to run for president .
Freddie Daniells considers it one of Cameron 's finest .
Mrs. Daniels says my projects have too much glitter .
Vice President Daniels is running this country now .
The play was directed , as we said , by Ron daniels .
You think Daniels will have you back ?
Mr Daniels liked to say it would be useful for trips to Mars .