
  • 网络ingram;Ingrams;Mathew Ingram
  1. 英国建筑机械制造商jcb中国业务董事总经理查尔斯英格拉姆(charlesingram)表示,许多中国公司“极度渴望”提高产品的技术含量。

    According to Charles Ingram , managing director of the Chinese operations of JCB , the UK construction equipment maker , many Chinese companies are " desperate " to increase the technical sophistication of their products .

  2. 杰西博的老员工、公司中国业务董事总经理查尔斯•英格拉姆(CharlesIngram)表示,工厂旁的试验场是公司扩大在华业务的重要组成部分。

    The proving ground next to the plant is , says Charles Ingram , a long-time JCB employee who is managing director of the company 's China operations , a vital part the company 's effort to build up its presence .

  3. 科技网站GigaOM的马修•英格拉姆认为,Twitter的大多数收入依靠“眼球经济”,也就是把消费者的关注卖给广告商。

    Twitter makes much of its revenue ( a reported $ 260 million last year ) by selling the gaze of consumers ' eyeballs to advertisers .

  4. 消息人士与《纽约时报》记者MarcStein交流后透露,洛杉矶湖人队用英格拉姆、鲍尔和首轮四号签与鹈鹕交易得到浓眉哥。

    The Los Angeles Lakers have offered Brandon Ingram , Lonzo Ball and the No. 4 overall selection in trade talks with the New Orleans Pelicans for Anthony Davis , according to sources that spoke with Marc Stein of the New York Times .

  5. 这种情况下,湖人从他们的头等交易品那里获得了足够的回报,让他们的年轻球员诸如丹吉洛-拉塞尔和布兰登-英格拉姆准备好在比赛关键时刻承担更重的责任,同时铁了心摆滥准备迎接UCLA新星朗佐-鲍尔的到来。

    In this case , the Lakers got a reasonable return for their top trade piece , prepared to give their young players like D'Angelo Russell and Brandon Ingram greater responsibilities down the stretch , and hunkered down for a tank that just might land UCLA star Lonzo Ball .

  6. 朝南的房间安排给英格拉姆家的小姐和夫人

    Fairfax : South-facing rooms for Lady Ingram and Miss Ingram .

  7. 我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什么?

    I need you . What 's Blanch to me ?

  8. 爱德华失礼了英格拉姆小姐

    Rochester : Edward . Allow me , Miss Ingram .

  9. 你还记得二等兵贝克和英格拉姆是怎么死的吗?

    Can you remember the deaths of private Baker and private lngram ?

  10. 英格拉姆小姐吗她才是没有感情的机器

    Rochester : Miss Ingram ? She is the machine without feelings .

  11. 非常怀疑你的新娘可是英格拉姆小姐

    Jane : Entirely ! Your bride is Miss Ingram .

  12. 英格拉姆这赛季开始的表现可谓是他的生涯最佳。

    Brandon Ingram is off to the best start of his NBA career .

  13. 比尔?英格拉姆命令改进系列5号,扩大其销售。

    Bill Ingram was charged with improving and expanding sales of System 5 .

  14. 英格拉姆小姐又很喜欢歌剧

    the operas Miss Ingram favors so well .

  15. 她永远记得自己第一次充满好感地注意到英格拉姆。

    She always remembered the first time Ingram had come to her favourable attention .

  16. 加利福尼亚正位于席卷全国的时尚的最前沿(卡尔英格拉姆)

    California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide ( Carl Ingram )

  17. 只有英格拉姆放声笑了出来,他资历最老,并深知西莉亚的为人。

    Only Ingram had the seniority , and knew Celia well enough , to laugh aloud .

  18. 我得从乔治客栈那里多雇些人过来英格拉姆小姐要来了

    I 'm to get more staff from the George Inn . Miss Ingram 's coming .

  19. 英格拉姆小姐不值得嫉妒,她太卑劣了,激不起这种情感。

    Miss Ingram was a mark beneath jealousy : she was too inferior to excite the feeling .

  20. 这赛季英格拉姆最大的变化便是他愿意在三分线外出手了。

    The biggest change for Ingram thus far has been his willingness to fire away from 3-point range .

  21. 他调查我的眼睛,他对我说,珍,我不爱英格拉姆小姐。

    He looked into my eyes , he said to me , Jane , I don 't love Miss Ingram .

  22. 布兰登-英格拉姆则和汤普森一样:他们不声不响地为首发位置竞争,并在进入第二个赛季时将之坐稳。

    Brandon Ingram and Thompson are both quiet competitors who managed to emerge as solid starters in their second seasons .

  23. 我觉得主人对英格拉姆小姐有意思可能已经向她求婚了

    Servant : I reckon master 's taken a fancy to that Miss Ingram . He may well have asked her already .

  24. 英格拉姆,对他来说,这是他的第三个赛季了,库兹马、球哥、哈特都是二年级新秀。

    Ingram , for his part , is in his third season , and Kuzma , Ball and Hart are all second-year players .

  25. 英格拉姆小姐还有各位女士们快回到你们舒适的房间去吧我向你们保证一切正常

    Rochester : Miss Ingram , ladies , please , return to your nests like the doves that you are . I assure you , all is well .

  26. 英格拉姆本赛季首发了全部比赛,在得分、投射、传球和篮板方面都取得了进步。

    Ingram has started every game in which he has played so far , and he has seen improvement with his scoring , shooting , passing and rebounding .

  27. 布朗在1980年离开了小组成立的丹尼乔布朗乐队(莫莉斧头与未来的吉他手鲍比英格拉姆),由歌手取代吉米法勒。

    In1980 Brown left the group to form The Danny Joe Brown Band ( with future Molly Hatchet guitarist Bobby Ingram ) and was replaced by vocalist Jimmy Farrar .

  28. 在湖人的时候,英格拉姆有时在接球后会犹豫,会运很长时间的球以此来寻找单打或助攻的机会。

    In L.A. , Ingram sometimes looked like a player who liked to meander through possessions , probing and overdribbling in search of a cleaner isolation look or a better playmaking angle .

  29. 上个月,随着安东尼·戴维斯交易传闻的流传,步行者队的球迷当英格拉姆走上罚球线时开始高喊勒布朗要交易掉你。

    Last month , with the Anthony Davis trade rumors swirling , Pacers fans started chanting LeBron 's going to trade you at Brandon Ingram when Ingram stepped to the free throw line .

  30. 读者朋友,你会认为,如果一个处于我这种位置的女人敢于妒忌像英格拉姆小姐这种地位的女人的话,这也很可能会引起妒忌。

    Much too , you will think , reader , to engender jealousy : if a woman , in my position , could presume to be jealous of a woman in Miss Ingram 's.