
  • 网络bfi;The British Film Institute;The UK Film Council
  1. 在影迷圈中,没有什么比史上最佳电影榜单更重大的事件了,该榜单每10年由英国电影协会(BritishFilmInstitute)旗下的权威杂志《视与听》(SightSound)评选一次。

    In the insular world of cineastes there is no more momentous event than the list of the best films of all time , which is curated every 10 years by the redoubtable Sight Sound magazine of the British Film Institute .

  2. 在影迷圈中,没有什么比史上最佳电影榜单更重大的事件了,该榜单每10年由英国电影协会(BritishFilmInstitute)旗下的权威杂志《视与听》(Sight&Sound)评选一次。

    In the insular world of cineastes there is no more momentous event than the list of the best films of all time , which is curated every 10 years by the redoubtable Sight & Sound magazine of the British Film Institute .

  3. 英国电影协会会长约翰伍德沃德(JohnWoodward)表示:你很容易在餐厅找到座位、在酒店订到房间,约见购片商也不难。大家似乎都在喝红酒或白葡萄酒,而非香槟。

    You can easily get tables in restaurants , hotel rooms and secure meetings with buyers . People seem to be drinking red and white wine instead of champagne , says John Woodward , chief executive of the UK Film Council .

  4. .“凯蒂·艾伦是英国电影协会分销及商业战略部门的高级经理。

    Katie Ellen is Senior Manager for Distribution and Commercial Strategy with the British Film Institute .

  5. 其中1985年的《黄土地》被英国电影协会誉为最佳原创和想象电影;

    Among them , The Yellow Earth won the 1985 British Movie Institute ( BFI ) award for the most original and imaginative movie ;

  6. 英国电影协会的凯蒂·艾伦带领由13人组成的代表团来参加北京电影节。

    Katie Ellen with the BFI is leading a thirteen-member delegation from the U.K. film industry to this year 's film festival in Beijing .

  7. 该庆典是中英两国的首次影视盛会,由中国电影合作制片公司大力赞助,并和英国电影协会联合举办。

    The event will feature the first British Chinese Film and Television Summit , which is being supported by China Film Co-Production Corporation and run in partnership with the BFI .

  8. 飞翔马戏团因对电影和电视杰出的贡献将获得一项特殊的英国电视电影协会奖。

    The team behind Monty Python 's Flying Circus are to receive a special Bafta honouring their outstanding contribution to film and television .