
  • 网络mccollum;Bill McCollum
  1. CJ·麦科勒姆的迅速成长,为他打下了明星的声望,也帮他拿到了开拓者1.06亿的续约。

    CJ McCollum 's rapid rise to stardom earned him a $ 106 million contract extension with the Portland Trail Blazers .

  2. 还在麦科勒姆班上的时候,乔布斯碰巧与一个本校的毕业生成了朋友,此人就是斯蒂芬·沃兹尼亚克(StephenWozniak)。沃兹尼亚克一直是老师最喜欢的学生,并因为在班上展现出的杰出才能而成为全校的传奇人物。

    While a student in McCollum 's class , Jobs became friends with a graduate who was the teacher 's all-time favorite and a school legend for his wizardry in the class .

  3. 周三,50岁的亨利.麦科勒姆,走出了罗利市的中央监狱。

    Fifty-year-old Henry McCollum walked out of central prison in Raleigh on Wednesday .

  4. 麦科勒姆信奉军事化的戒律以及对杈威的尊重,乔布斯则不然。

    McCollum believed in military discipline and respect for authority . Jobs didn 't.

  5. 麦科勒姆的课程是三年,但乔布斯只上了一年。

    Jobs took McCollum 's class for only one year , rather than the three that it was offered .

  6. 麦科勒姆看着各种品牌的介绍与合同,眼花缭乱之际,他也没忘自己做做市场调查。

    As McCollum was sorting through brand presentations and offers , he also did a healthy amount of his own research .

  7. 麦科勒姆的教室在校园边缘一座厂房模样的建筑里,紧邻着停车场。

    McCollum 's classroom was in a shed-like building on the edge of the campus , next to the parking lot .

  8. 除了汤普森之外,还有三名入选本届全明星的球员也将出战今年的三分大赛,他们是凯里-欧文、凯尔-洛瑞以及肯巴-沃克。此外,参赛者还有2016年最快进步球员获得者CJ-麦科勒姆,

    Joining Thompson are three other 2017 All-Stars - Kyrie Irving , Kyle Lowry and Kemba Walker , plus 2016 Most Improved Player CJ McCollum ,

  9. 当麦科勒姆问他从哪儿弄来的时候,乔布斯带着一种旁若无人的骄傲讲述了事情的经过——他是怎样打对方付费电话并且编故事的。

    When McCollum asked how he had gotten it , Jobs described - with defiant pride - the collect call and the tale he had told .

  10. 麦科勒姆还从开拓者队友埃文·特纳那里得到了不少建议,特纳也与李宁有长年合同,而且在波特兰更衣室里,二人的柜子还是挨着的。

    McCollum also got advice from Blazers teammate Evan Turner , who has a long-term deal with Li-Ning and happens to sit directly next to McCollum in the Blazers ' locker room .

  11. 五年级的麦科勒姆突然发觉,随着耐克的四年合同到期,自己已经是球鞋品牌眼里的香饽饽。

    The fifth-year guard also suddenly found himself among the most sought-after players by footwear brands this past summer , as his initial four-year sneaker deal with Nike was set to expire .

  12. 二人谈话中,韦德向麦科勒姆大力推荐李宁,展现着自己对东家的满满自信;同时还讲了不少故事,比如李宁高水准的服务和旗下球星得到的市场关注,以及这些特点与耐克乔丹品牌的比较。

    Throughout their conversations , Wade wooed McCollum with his confidence in the product , along with anecdotes about the level of service and attention he receives , and how that compares to his experiences with Jordan Brand .

  13. “他经常一个人在角落里做自己的事情,压根不想跟我或者班上的其他人有任何交流。”麦科勒姆后来说。

    McCollum later said , " He was usually off in a corner doing something on his own and really didn 't want to have much of anything to do with either me or the rest of the class . "

  14. 斯托茨,开拓者过去七个赛季的教练,迟疑地把球队早期的成功归结为持续性,他将利拉德和麦科勒姆的持续进步以及球队的轮换阵容视为他们早期成功的原因。

    Stotts , the Blazers ' coach the past seven seasons , is hesitant to chalk up all of this season 's early success to continuity alone , citing Lillard 's and McCollum 's consistent improvement plus the rotating cast of contributors as reasons for their early success .

  15. 如果安东尼的接球跳投效率能恢复到两年前雷霆时期的37.3%的水平,当利拉德和麦科勒姆单打或者发动挡拆的时候,他只要站在他们的进攻位置的对面,就能提供有力的威胁。

    If he could nudge his catch-and-shoot efficiency back up to where it was in Oklahoma City two seasons ago , when he knocked down 37.3 percent of his off-the-catch triple tries , he could provide a valuable threat spotting up on the opposite side of the floor from Lillard and McCollum when they isolate or run pick-and-rolls .