
  1. 麦茎蜂幼虫休眠越冬期间环境条件对其生存的影响

    The influence of environment on the overwintering larva of wheat stem sawfly

  2. 春小麦形态与抗麦茎蜂特性的关系

    Relationship between morphology and resistance to wheat stem sawfly of the spring wheat

  3. 气候变暖的阶段性趋势使麦茎蜂对麦类等作物的危害程度有加重的趋势;

    With the trend towards global warming , it made the harmful levels of wheat stem sawfly for crops was increasing trends .

  4. 对小麦抗麦茎蜂机制的研究应从植株生长发育的动态过程进行综合考虑。

    The mechanism of resistance to the wheat stem sawfly should be regarded as a result caused by synthetic factors during the period of plant growth and development .