
  1. Ⅰ组,阴性对照组30只,饲料中麦芽硒含量为0.1mg/kg;

    Thirty rats in group I were fed with 0.1 mg selenium from selenium-enriched malt in per kilogram diet , designed as normal control ;

  2. 组IV,基础饲料中添加富硒麦芽硒0.3mg/kg;

    0.3 mg / kg selenium from Se-enriched malt and Se-enriched yeast were supplemented to the diet of group IV and V respectively .

  3. 不同富硒条件对麦芽硒含量的影响

    Effects of Different Enriched - Se Conditions on Selenium Content of Malt

  4. 富硒麦芽硒在鸡蛋中的分布及蛋鸡对其相对生物利用率

    Relative Bioavailability of Se enriched Malt and Its Effect on Distribution of Egg Selenium in Laying Hens

  5. 采用短期饲喂试验研究了富硒麦芽硒在鸡蛋中的沉积以及蛋鸡对其相对生物利用率。

    A short term feeding experiment was conducted to study relative bioavailability of selenium from se enriched malt and sodium selenite to laying hen .

  6. 本文对硒麦芽中硒的存在形态进行了初步的研究。

    The main form of selenium is studied in selenium malt .

  7. 硒麦芽中硒的存在形态的研究

    The study ror the form of selenium in selenium

  8. 用这种方法生产的富硒麦芽粉含硒量达40μg/g以上,其中有机硒含量大于97%,产率(麦芽粉/麦种)为45%~50%。

    Take the way of producing can make the content of Se malt amount to or over 40 g / g. And organic Se content is over 97 % . The ratio is 45 % - 50 % ( malt / malt seed ) .

  9. 硒处理对麦芽及啤酒硒含量的影响

    Effect of selenium treatment on the content of selenium in malt and beer

  10. 应用该方法测定了不同富硒麦芽中的硒含量为11.729-32.746μg/g,加标回收率为94.1%-101.6%。

    A total selenium content of ( 11.729 ~) 32.746 μ g / g was detected from selenium-enriched malt by this method , and the recovery rate is ( 94.1 % ~ 101.6 % ) .

  11. 探讨了培养富硒麦芽的最佳条件及有机硒在麦芽中的分布,并用蒸馏水低温长时间浸泡法,除去富硒麦芽中大部分无机硒。

    This article probed into the appropriate conditions for culture of rich in Se malt and distibution of organic Se in malt , the most part of inorganic Se in rich in Se malt was removed by soaking it in distilled water at lower temperature for long time .

  12. Ⅲ-Ⅴ组为富硒麦芽组,每组40只,日粮中添加富硒麦芽使硒含量分别达0.3、1.0、3.0mg·kg~(-1);

    Group III-V with forty rats each were fed with diet containing 0.3 , 1.0 , 3.0 mg · kg ~ - 1 selenium as selenium-enriched malt respectively .