
mài shōu
  • wheat harvest
麦收 [mài shōu]
  • [wheat harvest] 收割麦子

  1. 于麦收前10~15d在小麦宽垄内穴播增产潜力较大的海花1号、豫花7号等中熟品种花生。

    The medium maturating variety peanut of Hai peanut 1 and Yu peanut 7 with higher yield potential should be hole sowed in 10 ~ 15 days before winter wheat harvest .

  2. 麦套花生最适套期为麦收前53天(28/4),适期过后,套期每推迟1天,花生约减产14.6kg/hm2;

    The optimum sowing date ( OSD ) was 53 days before the wheat harvest . The peanut yield will be reduced 14.6kg/hm 2 each day when the sowing date is put off after the OSD .

  3. 为了解麦收作业拖拉机驾驶员的疲劳状况,对割晒作业过程中NEWHOLLANDM160型拖拉机驾驶员的心率进行了测试与分析。

    The heart rate of NEWHOLLAND M160 tractor driver during the wheat cutting and sunning operation were tested and analyzed for understanding the fatigue conditions .

  4. 他们答应给我们100人帮助麦收。

    They promised us100 temporary labourers to help our wheat harvest .

  5. 麦收之后就得打场。

    Wheat harvesting is followed by threshing .

  6. 麦收期小麦与大豆水份平衡条件分析

    Analysis of the water balance condition for wheat and soybean in the wheat harvesting period

  7. 该部长表示,今年麦收将部署超过60万台联合收割机。

    The Minister says over 600-thousand combine harvesters will be deployed to harvest the wheat this year .

  8. 河南省麦收期连阴雨天气预报系统

    The Forecast System of Cloudy - rainy Weather for Several Days during the Reap Period of Wheat in Henan Province

  9. 讲述的是一群村民雇佣了七名武士来击退偷取麦收的强盗。

    It follows the story of a village of farmers that hire seven masterless samurai ( ronin ) to fight bandits who steal their crops .

  10. 多云多雨环境遥感研究与应用分析北方麦收期间连阴雨天气环流特征

    The Progress in Studies on Remote Sensing of Cloudy and Rainy Environment Analysis of Continued Cloudy - rainy Weather during Wheat Harvest Season in the North

  11. 本文对晋中盆地水地冬小麦区麦收后营养钵育苗移栽夏玉米的生长发育规律进行研究。

    This paper studied the seedling transplantation summer maize 's growth patterns , which was planted in the irrigatal and fertile land of central area of Shanxi province .

  12. 更惨的是,正值收割小麦的季节,农民们不得不抛弃他们的麦收而去抗洪。

    Worse , still , it was just the time of the wheat harvest and the people had to abandon their fields and turn to halting the flood .

  13. 只是麦收时节,门前摊了麦子,奶奶总是要说:这块丑石,多碍地面哟,多时把它搬走吧。

    Only when it was in harvest time and the wheats were put in front of my house did my grandmother say : 'This ugly stone is an obstacle , and I will move it away someday .

  14. 在北方麦收后及时播种玉米,选择适宜品种和密度,结合科学灌水施肥,可获得高产、高质量的青贮草。

    If corn were sown in 70 d after harvesting wheat and given the suitable cultivar , sown density , scientific irrigation and fertilizer application , the high yield and good quality of silage corn could be gained .

  15. 麦收后挖方调查,释放区土中寄生线虫密度比释放前增加2.7倍。

    After wheat harvest in June , the nematode population density in the plot was found to be 54 adults and 4th instar juveniles / m3 , which is a 2.7 fold increase compared to that before the release .

  16. 麦后移栽棉是在抗虫棉、抗虫杂交棉推广应用后,随着粮食价格的上涨、麦收机械化的普及和棉花育苗技术成熟的情况下发展起来的一种新的种植模式。

    Transplanting cotton after wheat is a new cropping pattern which is developed after the promotion of the insect-resistant cotton and the insect-resistant hybrid cotton , accompanied with the rise in food prices , the popularity of the wheat harvest mechanization and the mature nursery technology .