
  • 网络water resources regulation
  1. 从研究我国和美国水库水资源调度的目标演进出发,介绍了与时俱进的调度策略和政策。

    From the evolution of the objectives of reservoir water resources regulation , an introduction is given to the development of the strategies and policies for water resources regulation in China and in the United States of America .

  2. 都江堰水资源调度系统包括水情遥测子系统等6个子系统,能够提供基础信息采集、通信及传输、信息存储及交换、专业应用和决策支持等功能。

    Dujiangyan Water Resources Regulation System are composed of six sub-systems of water regime telemetry subsystem and so on . It can provide functions of data acquisition , communication and transmission , information storage and exchange , application and decision-making support .

  3. 南水北调东线水资源调度多Agent模型与协作分析

    Multi-Agent Model and Its Cooperation Analysis of South-North Water Transferring System

  4. GIS在灌区水资源调度管理中的应用

    GIS and Its Application in Regional Irrigation Water Resources Scheduling Management

  5. 基于GIS的流域水资源调度管理系统研究

    Study on Water Resources Management and Operation System Based on GIS

  6. 第五章,是基于GIS流域水资源调度管理系统的研究实例。

    Then , sets up the framework of water resources operation and management system based on GIS .

  7. 基于ADAM-5510M的PID控制算法在水资源调度系统中的应用

    Applying the ADAM-5510M-based PID algorithm to a water resources dispatch system

  8. 利用GIS提供的OLE自动化混合编程技术开发了基于GIS的数据录入与修改、流域水资源调度管理、水资源优化配置模型模型分析、灌区综合信息查询等功能。

    It utilize OLE technology of GIS developed the data modify , the control management of drainage basin water resource , the analysis of water resource optimizing and the irrigation area information query , etc.

  9. 阐述了CIMS的体系结构的基本框架与集成技术在防洪及水资源调度决策支持系统中的研究与应用。

    The paper expounds the study and application of basic framework based on CIMS system structure and integrated technique in flood control and decision support system of water resources scheduling .

  10. 在水利枢纽群及中小流域中,应用基于CIMS的体系结构和信息系统集成技术,集成防洪及水资源调度系统是一条有效的技术途径。

    Applying system structure and information system integrated technique based on CIMS in hydro-junction group and small-mid scale basin , system of integrated flood control and water resources scheduling is a valid technical approach .

  11. 为了提高水资源调度系统的自动化程度,在传统PID的基础上,加入智能控制的方法,设计了智能PID控制器,并给出了系统设计及软件开发。

    In order to raise the automation level of a water resource dispatching system based on the conventional PID , the author applies an intelligent control theory to the PID control algorithm so as to improve the control effect . The paper presents the system design and the software development .

  12. 上海市水资源调度的水环境效应

    Effect of water resource scheduling on water environ-ment in Shanghai area

  13. 东江流域水资源调度效果分析

    An analysis on the effect of water resources dispatch in Dongjiang River

  14. 基于构件式的水资源调度管理模式及其应用研究

    Model of water resources dispatch and management based on distributed component technology

  15. 灌区水资源调度管理信息系统的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design on Irrigation Area Water Resources Dispatch Management Information System

  16. 制定水资源调度策略;

    To formulate strategies of dispatching water resources ;

  17. 水资源调度中蓄水工程下游区间入流预报效益计算模型

    Model for calculating benefit of forecasting intermediate inflow from downstream of reservoirs in water resources dispatch

  18. 平原河网地区水资源调度改善水质的机理和实践研究

    Study on Mechanism and Practice of Improving Water Quality by Water Resources Diversion in Plain River-net Areas

  19. 不确定性条件下的水资源调度分配问题非常重要,采取动态规划方法研究水资源分配的应用现实意义重大。

    The water resources allocation under uncertainty are very important and researches on them are very significant in practice .

  20. 二处下辖一个中心站点和五个分站点,中心站点需要实时了解各分站点的水情和雨情状况来为水资源调度提供决策依据。

    The control center needs the data of the water level and rainfall of each aqueduct at real time for decision-making .

  21. 并提出应成立汾河上中游水务局,从行政上统一本区域的水资源调度及管理工作等建议。

    Some propositions are advanced , such as to set up a water management bureau for the upper and middle stream of Fenhe River Basin , etc.

  22. 根据水利工程和水资源调度的需要,在其几十公里的沿线上,分布着几十个野外前端站房,每个前端站房有完成各种需求的检测点,在检测点上安装有相应的传感器。

    In order to meet the requirement of water projects and water resources regulation , dozens of field leading end stations are placed with monitoring points that installed with sensors along the line .

  23. 本文通过分析有、无水文预报的水资源调度误差的概率分布函数和分布函数参数的确定,从概率的角度出发,建立了水资源调度中水文预报效益计算模型。

    Based on the analyses on probability distribution function of error in water resources dispatch and the determination of the parameters of distribution function , a model for calculating the benefit of forecasting intermediate inflow is established .

  24. 针对水资源调度管理决策特点,采用分布式面向对象技术,组建构件式的开发应用模式,把构件拓扑模型扩展到网络环境。

    In accordance with decision making characteristics of water resources dispatch and management , the model of component objects is established based on distributed object oriented technology . This component topological model is extended to the computer network .

  25. 水情监测系统的信息化、网络化、自动化对防汛抗旱、制定防洪决策、优化水资源调度、保证调度工作有效运行起着重要的作用。

    The informatization 、 network 、 automation of hydrologic information monitoring system play more and more important role in the formulated flood control and drought , flood control decision-making , optimizing water resources scheduling and ensure dispatching work .

  26. 直至今日,一些学者开始致力于应用惩罚函数法来解决电力系统、水资源调度系统、汽车传动系统等大型工业问题,并取得了一些可喜的初步成果。

    Until today , some scholars have begun to apply penalty function method to solve large industrial problems such as the power system , water dispatching system and automotive transmission system . They have made some encouraging preliminary results .

  27. 从完善山洪与地质灾害监测与预警体系、加强水利工程基础设施建设、加强城镇防洪排涝基础设施建设、正确处理防洪与水资源调度等四个方面提出了减灾策略。

    Therefore , four disaster relief measures of improving monitoring and forecasting system of mountain floods and geological disasters , strengthening construction of water infrastructure and urban flood control and drainage infrastructures , properly handling the relationship between flood control and water resources regulation are presented .

  28. 城市水资源实时调度与管理理论框架研究

    Theoretical framework of real-time dispatch and management of urban water resources

  29. 黄河水资源精细调度研究

    Study on Careful Regulation of Water Resources of the Yellow River

  30. 南水北调工程实施后保定市水资源联合调度的探讨

    Joint Regulating Water Resources of Baoding City After the South-to-North Water Project