
  1. 金溪电站溢流拱坝水力学试验研究

    Hydraulic test study on overflow arch dam of Jinxi Hydroelectric Station

  2. 突扩门槽水力学试验研究

    Experimental study of the hydraulic problems for sudden expansion gate slot

  3. 卧式离心铸造过程数值模拟与水力学试验研究大型离心式压缩机铸造机壳的静态有限元分析

    Static finite element analysis on cast case of large-scale centrifugal compressor

  4. 船闸水力学试验数据采集处理系统

    Data collecting and analyzing system for hydraulic model test of ship locks

  5. 不同孔隙配比人工岩芯试件水力学试验研究

    Hydraulic Testing Study on Artificial Specimens with Different Pore Proportioning

  6. 环境水力学试验研究中的图象处理技术

    Image Processing Techniques for Experimental Study on Environmental Hydraulics

  7. 三峡多级船闸水力学试验检测与控制

    Measurement and Control of Hydraulics Model Test for TGP 's Multi stage Lock

  8. 丹江口大坝加高工程水力学试验研究

    Hydraulics study on heightened scheme of Danjiangkou Project

  9. 南水北调中线工程桥墩水力学试验研究

    Hydraulic experimental study of piers for middle route scheme of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  10. 西龙池抽水蓄能电站竖井式进出水口水力学试验研究惠州抽水蓄能电站上库进出水口水力学模型试验

    Hydraulic model test for inlets and outlets of head reservoir of Huizhou pumped-storage hydroplant

  11. 南水北调西线阿安引水隧洞水力学试验研究

    Hydraulic Test Study on Access Tunnel A-AN

  12. 斜面升船机原体水力学试验研究

    Hydraulic Prototype Test on Inclined Plane Shiplift

  13. 江垭大坝水工模型水力学试验研究

    Hydraulic model experiment in Jiangya dam

  14. 采用水力学试验的方法,对异型坯结晶器内的流场进行研究。

    This paper describes the study on the flow field in the beam blank mould by means of the hydraulic experiment .

  15. 依据某公司的锌电解槽,分别进行了水力学试验和数值模拟研究,以进一步观察其内部规律。

    Mechanics experiments and numerical simulation were carried out according to electrolytic tank in a company to further study their internal rules .

  16. 施工导流中明渠水面线的快速计算三峡工程导流明渠通航水力学试验研究

    Rapid Calculation of Open Channel Surface Profile on River Diversion During Construction Hydraulic Model Test on Navigation Condition in Diversion Channel of Three Gorges Project

  17. 介绍了三峡工程截流期导流明渠和戗堤口门的船模试验和水力学试验情况。

    The ship model sailing experiment and hydraulic model test results on open channel and banquette gap of the TGP during closure period are introduced .

  18. 水力学试验方面,依据相似原理,按照1:5的相似比采用有机玻璃制作电解槽水模型试验装置,采用水模拟电解液。

    In terms of mechanics experiment , electrolytic cell water model tester was used with PMMA of similar ratio of 1:5 and water modeling electrolyte based on similarity principles .

  19. 小浪底工程孔板洞中闸室及前渐变段结构特性研究渡槽渐变段的水力学试验方法

    Analysis on Structural Characters of Mid Gate Chamber of Orifice Tunnels and Upstream Transition Section of Xiaolangdi Project An experimental method for studying flow characteristics in an aqueduct 's transition region

  20. 通过调整水力自控翻板闸门翻转点的位置以及有效控制闸门上下游水位差,使水力自控翻板闸门达到了稳定运行的效果连杆滚轮式水力自控翻板闸门水力学试验研究

    By adjusting flap spot and controling the water stage drop , the gate would do well . Hydraulics Experiment Study on Hydraulic Automatic Control Oscillating Flashboard with Connecting Rod and Idler Wheel

  21. 渡槽渐变段水力学试验的基本目的,是测定渐变段的局部水头损失系数。

    The main purpose of the experimental study on the water fow in the transition region of an aqueduct is to find out the local coefficient of head loss in the region .

  22. 本文通过两相流理论分析和水力学试验验证证实:室内排水立管管壁粗糙度的减小,不仅不能加大其临界流量,反而会减小其临界流量。

    It has been verified in this paper , by theoretical analysis with two-phase fluid mechanics and hydraulic tests , that decreasing surface roughness in a wade stack can not increase critical discharge .

  23. 结合三峡工程连续五级船闸水力学试验研究,优化了突扩廊道体型,提出了结构简单、具有很强抗空化能力的底扩体型。

    Based on studies on hydraulics in the Three-Gorges five-step locks , the sudden culvert expansion has been optimized and a sudden bottom expansion which has higher resistance cavitation and simple structure has been developed .

  24. 采用船模试验和水力学试验相结合的方法,以船闸设计规范和有关通航标准为依据,对船模航行参数和水力学参数进行综合分析比较来判别船队通航条件的好坏。

    According to the lock design standard and concerned navigation regulations , combining ship model sailing and hydraulic model tests , the parameters of ship model sailing and hydraulics are analysed and compared comprehensively . And then the navigation conditions are judged .

  25. D113弱酸交换树脂的水力学特性试验

    Hydraulic Characteristics of Weakly Acid Cation Exchange Resin

  26. 实验研究在5MW低温核供热反应堆热工水力学模拟试验回路(HRTL-5)上完成。

    The experiment was performed on the test loop ( HRTL-5 ), which simulates the geometry and system design of the 5 MW reactor .

  27. 对重钢24t中间包控流装置进行水力学模型试验和数值模拟,通过测定停留时间分布(RTD)曲线和夹杂物的排除量,研究了不同尺寸湍流控制器对中间包流体流动特性的影响。

    Water modeling experiments and numerical simulation for flow control device of 24 t tundish at Chongqing Steel have been carried out to study influence of turbulence inhibitors with different size on fluid flow behavior by measuring residence time distribution ( RTD ) curves and removal rate of inclusions .

  28. 小型自排沉沙池沉沙工况的水力学特性试验研究

    An Experimental Study of Hydraulic Characteristics on Automatic Flushing Desilting Basin

  29. 昆钢直弧形板坯连铸中间包水力学模拟试验研究

    Study on Hydraulic Model Trial for Slab Continuous Casting Tundish in KISCO

  30. 那吉航运枢纽二期截流水力学模型试验

    Model Test on Hydraulics of Diversion Closure of Naji Hydro-junction