
shuǐ shēnɡ shēnɡ wù xué
  • hydrobiology;aquatic biology
  1. 结合环境水体的水化学参数如TN、TP和COD等指标,从水生生物学的角度对环境水体的污染程度进行监测和评价,可以较客观地、综合地反映出水体的环境质量。

    Combined with the aqueous chemical parameter such as TN , TP and COD , the monitor and assessment of environment water pollution from hydrobiology could reflect environment water quality objectively and synthetically .

  2. 水生生物学精品课程中开设研究设计型实验的探讨

    Discussion on research and design experiment in excellent course of hydrobiology

  3. 农业院校水生生物学教学中学生学习主动性的培养

    Primary Approch to Promoting Students ' initiative to Learn in Teaching Hydrobiology in Agricultural Universities

  4. 介绍大理地区三种水生螺生物学特性、资源状况及利用价值。

    The biological characteristics and utilization value of three species aquatic snails are reported in this paper .

  5. 水体环境及水生经济动物养殖生物学研究

    Studies on the Biology of Water Environment and Culture of Aquatic Economic Animals