
  1. 依据现代管理信息系统MIS的研制方法,简要介绍了工业水处理-水质数据管理系统的研制过程和技术特点。

    The development process and technical characteristics of the water quality data management system for industry water treatment were introduced based upon the techniques of developing the modern management information system ( MIS ) .

  2. 通用图形绘制是现代管理信息系统报表中非常重要的功能。

    General drafting is the very important function of modern report of management information system .

  3. 现代管理信息系统的文档

    Document of modern management information system

  4. 结合传统软件测试与面向对象软件测试的方法和技术,针对现代管理信息系统软件的新特性,讨论基于可视化编程环境的软件测试模型。

    Conjoining some methods of traditional and object_oriented software test and in accordance with new characteristics of the modern management information system , the article discusses the software test model on the visual programming environment .

  5. NET应用程序开发技术和Web网络技术与数据库技术,开发了钢铁企业的现代物流管理信息系统。

    NET program developing technology , the web internet technology and database technology are applied .

  6. 锦州港粮食现代物流管理信息系统的设计与开发

    Design of Modern Grain Distribution Management Information system in Jinzhou Port

  7. 城乡一体化现代地籍管理信息系统的模型构建与实践

    Modeling and Realize the Urban and Rural Integrative " Modern Cadastral " Management Information System

  8. 在计算机网络应用环境下,数据库的安全性是构造现代企业管理信息系统时必须考虑的一个问题。

    In the application of computer networks , database safety is an important issue in making-up a modern enterprise MIS .

  9. 测试结果是:该现代物业管理信息系统已经在阳光海岸社区投入试使用,并取得了良好的效果。

    The modern property management information system has used in the sunshine coast community investment , and has achieved good effect .

  10. 本论文是笔者通过参加多个城乡一体化现代地籍管理信息系统建设之后,在理论和技术上的总结。

    This paper is the generalization of theories and technologies based on several urban and rural integrative modern cadastral information systems practices .

  11. 对于现代设备管理信息系统的新模式,建立了水电设备全寿期费用定量模型。

    To the new model of the modern hydroelectric equipment management , the quantify model of the hydroelectric equipment in the life cycle is proposed .

  12. 正方公司的主导产品《正方现代教学管理信息系统》,运行稳定,安全性能好,并能满足用户的个性化需求。

    Leading Products : " Zheng-Fang Modern Education Management Information System " which is of stable operation , good performance and satisfaction to personal demand of customers .

  13. 随着信息管理系统的不断发展,现代物业管理信息系统已经广泛地被各个物业公司所采用,以方便对社区的管理。

    With the continuous development of the information management system , the modern property management information system has been widely adopted by various property company , and with convenient for community management .

  14. 阐述了管理信息系统的组成及开发方法,分析了现代物业管理信息系统的可行性以及需求,并探讨了系统的相关理论及技术。

    This paper has expounded composition and development method of the management information system , and has analyzed the feasibility and the demand of modern property management information system , and has discussed related theory and technology .

  15. 在现代的仓储管理信息系统中采用了许多新的技术,如立体货位管理,货位优化模型,射频识别(RFID)技术,软件复用技术。

    In a modern warehouse management system used in some new technologies , such as three-dimensional cargo space management , cargo space optimization model , radio frequency identification ( RFID ) technology , software reuse .

  16. 我国现代饭店业管理信息系统应用初探

    An Elementary Study of Computer-based Management Information Systems Used in Modern Hotels

  17. 现代船舶机舱管理信息系统的实现

    The Implement of Modern Ship Management Information System

  18. 现代农业灌溉管理信息系统开发应用

    Development of Modern Agricultural Irrigation Management Information System

  19. 作为国家竞争力基础的企业,通过运用全新的现代管理理论和信息系统,来培植企业的竞争能力、有效地提高企业的管理效率十分必要,烟草行业也是如此。

    It is necessary that enterprise , foundation of state competitive power , efficaciously enhance management efficiency to build up the enterprises competition ability by apply the information system and wholly new modern management theory . Tobacco enterprise is in face of the same question also .

  20. 支持现代物流管理模式的信息系统设计方案&兼析生产型企业销售物流管理业务流程重组

    Design Plan of Information System Based on Modern Logistics Management Mode

  21. 现代物流管理的信息中枢系统研究

    Research of Information Center System for Modern Logistics Management

  22. 浅析现代高等学校行政管理信息系统谈做好高校教务管理工作

    Preliminary Analysis of Administrative Management Information System for Colleges and Universities On Educational Administrative Management of Institutions of Higher Learning

  23. 在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中,管理信息系统变得越来越普及。

    In the modern society that management and information are emphasized , Management Information System ( MIS ) becomes more and more popular .

  24. 金财工程是现代政府财政管理综合信息系统的简称,预算指标管理是金财工程中一个重要的子系统。

    JIN CAI project refers to the finance management information system of modern governments , and the management of budget target is a important subsystem in which .

  25. 本文论述了制造执行系统的相关研究背景、研究意义以及国内外的研究现状,对制造执行系统的相关理论进行了阐述,并对基于ERP/MES/PCS的现代企业生产管理信息自动化系统进行了深入的分析。

    In this paper , the background , significance , present development of manufacturing execution system are introduced . The modern enterprise production management system based on ERP / MES / PCS is analyzed in-depth .

  26. 主要对物流、物流技术和物流信息系统等理论的国内外研究现状进行了综述,介绍了现代物流管理的信息中枢系统的研究背景、目的以及方法。

    It summarizes the research actualities in domestic and overseas on theories of logistics 、 logistics technique and logistics information system and so on . It introduces the background , purpose and significance of this thesis .

  27. 随着信息技术的长足发展,现代管理理念及信息管理系统正逐步应用于医院管理,医疗机构改革已经渗透到医院管理的各个方面。

    With the rapid development of information technology , modern management concepts and information management system is gradually applied to hospital management , the reform of medical institutions has spilled over to all aspects of hospital management .

  28. 人力资源管理系统是计算机技术、数据库技术、网络技术与现代人力资源管理相结合的产物,是现代管理信息系统的重要组成部分。

    Human resources management system is the outcome of the combination of the computer technology , database technology , network technology and modern human resources management theory , and it is the important component of the modern management system .

  29. 现代物流最主要的特征是信息化,而现代物流系统是面向现代物流技术,面向社会市场经济、面向先进的物流理念,以现代物流管理信息系统为手段的物流体系。

    The most important feature of modern logistics is informatization . Modern logistics system which geared to modern logistics technology , social market economy and the advanced logistics concepts is based on modern logistics information management system .