
  • 网络Pay-as-you-go;Pay As You Go;PAYG
  1. 在我们的现收现付社会保障制度中,工人要交税,以支付退休人员的福利。

    In our pay-as-you-go social security system , workers are taxed to pay the benefit to retirees .

  2. 我国养老保险制度目前正处于由完全现收现付制向统账结合模式的转轨过程。

    Our pension system is in the transition process from " pay-as-you-go system " to " Commission Account " mode .

  3. 信用卡详情必须存储在Amazon中,在有未付帐单时无法进入&它是现收现付模型。

    The credit card details must be stored with Amazon , they cannot simply be entered when a bill is due & it is a pay-as-you-go model .

  4. 中国IPD来源于两个规定受益的养老金计划:现收现付制(PAYG)的社会统筹帐户和基金制(FUND)的个人帐户。

    Sources of China IPD orientated from two defined benefit pension schemes , one is social pooling account based on PAYG , the other is individual account based on FUND .

  5. 为了解决养老金的财政可持续性与便携性的“双重问题”,近年来欧盟国家先后致力于改革现有的现收现付DB型养老金制度。

    Recently in order to resolve the double problems , both fiscal sustainability and transportability , European Union countries have been driven to take a more pro-active stance to reform Defined Benefit Pension Plan ( DB ) .

  6. 如果采用NDC模式,基本体系仍然是现收现付制,不存在转轨成本问题。

    If it chooses the NDC model , the basic pension system is still under pay-as-you-go and there is no reform cost issue .

  7. 把养老储蓄从政府管理的现收现付(pay-as-you-go)体系转移到基于市场的体系,其可信度将远远不如以前。但讽刺的是,尽管如此,长期投资获利的机会却增加了。

    The credibility of moving pension savings from government-run pay-as-you-go systems to market-based systems will be far smaller than before , even though , ironically , the opportunity for profitable long-term investment has risen .

  8. 有大量东欧、中亚、中东和北美地区经验的世界银行养老金专家MichalRutkowski解释道,东欧国家对从国家资助的现收现付制向市场型体制转变持开放态度,因为似乎人们更信任私营部门。

    East European countries were open to moving from a state-funded pay-as-you-go ( PAYG ) system to a market based one , because people seem to have greater confidence in the private sector .

  9. 这正是为何我们最近的医改要针对不可持续的医疗支出展开,以及为何恢复原有的“现收现付”(paygo)规定根据该规定,国会在正常时期必须为新应享权益支出或减税埋单。

    That is why our recent health care reforms target unsustainable health costs , and old " PAYGO " rules that require Congress to pay for new entitlement spending or tax cuts in normal times have been reinstated .

  10. 现收现付制&我国养老保险模式的最佳选择

    PAYG Is the Best Choice for Pension Insurance in China

  11. 现收现付制与经济增长关系的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between Pay-as-you-go Pension Plan and Economic Growth

  12. 由现收现付制向基金制转轨的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Transition from the Pay-as-you-go System to the Funded System

  13. 现收现付制体现了劳动者代际之间的收入再分配;

    Cash Receipt and Cash Playment System Embodies the Redistribution of Income between Labourers .

  14. 从现收现付制到预筹积累制&中国养老保险制度改革研究

    On the Reformation of Chinese Endowment Insurance System

  15. 从现收现付向部分积累模式转变。

    2 , from the " cash pay " to change the mode of accumulation .

  16. 现收现付制度隐性债务的测算及利率的变化对其影响分析

    Estimating Implicit Pension Debt Under Pay-as-you-go System and Analysis of Influence by Change of Interests

  17. 从现收现付制向部分积累制或多支柱模式转轨是大势所趋。

    It is an inevitable trend to shift from pay-as-you-go to funded or multi-pillar system .

  18. 在现收现付制退休金计划下,当期养老金缴费被用于同时期养老金的费用支付。

    In a pay-as-you-go pension scheme , contributions are immediately used to pay current pensions .

  19. 这些年的重要改革目标之一就是要从现收现付体制改革部分积累制。

    The most important reform goal is the transformation from PAYG system to partially funded system .

  20. 从性别中立到性别歧视&现收现付制与基金制的养老金性别利益差异

    From Gender Neutralism to Gender Discrimination : The gender benefit difference between pay-as-you-go and fund-based pension

  21. 现收现付制转向统账结合的部分积累制导致隐性养老金债务显性化,本文给出了测算‘老人’和‘中人’隐性养老金债务的精算模型,并提出了一些缩减隐性养老金债务的对策。

    Actuarial models of implicit pension debt of " old person " and " mid person " .

  22. 民族地区养老保险中现收现付制模式的转型问题研究

    A Study on Transforming Model of Charging and Paying on Hand in Pension Insurance in Ethnic Areas

  23. 在现收现付方案中,目前的养老金是用当期劳动大军的工资支付的。

    In PAYG plans , today 's pensions are covered by the wages of the current workforce .

  24. 现收现付制之所以没有失败只是因为参加的人数没有增加,而它必然是要失败的因为它违背了金融经济基本规律和法律的公平诉求。

    It will fail because it violates basic principles of financial economics and justice assumption of law .

  25. 个人账户空账运转是形成我国养老金体制现收现付制实质的原因。

    The blankness of individual pension accounts is the core reason to make our current system pay-as-you-go .

  26. 关于现收现付制的争论,已成为国会辩论的开幕礼炮,也将定下新一届国会的基调。

    The tussle over PAYGO is the opening salvo of a debate that will define the new Congress .

  27. 为此,提出了改进现有的现收现付制养老保障体制。

    Therefore , this article puts forward some suggestions to improve the present Cash Basis pension insurance system .

  28. 1980年智利最先成功将现收现付制度改为个人账户完全积累制。

    In 1980 , the first successful Chile will pay-as-you-go system instead of individual account completely pay-as-you-go system .

  29. 中国现在和未来的“艾隆条件”说明,由现收现付制转化为基金制可行。

    The current and future Aaron conditions in China show that pay-as-you-go must be transformed to funds model .

  30. 目前我国养老社会保险筹资模式不宜从现收现付式向基金式转轨。

    At present , our financing pattern should not shunt from collecting and paying at the meantime to funds .