
  1. 由控股股东与中小股东之间的利益冲突所导致的委托代理问题已成为现代公司治理研究的主题。

    The agency problem arising from the conflicts between the controlling shareholders and the non-controlling shareholders , has become the theme of corporate governance research now .

  2. 现代公司治理研究重点也从经理层损害股东的代理问题转移到控股股东侵占小股东利益的代理问题上来了。

    The focus of agency problem of modern corporate governance research shift from manager damage shareholder to the control shareholder occupies the interests of minority shareholders .

  3. 现代公司治理权力研究

    Research on Modern Company Governance Right

  4. 现代公司董事会治理研究

    Study on Board Governance of Modern Company

  5. 现代国外公司治理典型模式研究

    Research of the Mode of Modern Foreign Corporate Governance