
  1. 高校是培养高级专门人才的重要基地。

    Universities are an important base for training high-grade specialized talents .

  2. 各类高层次岗位培训教育则是培养高级专门人才的教育形式;

    Training edu ca tion for higher post , which is for training talents ;

  3. 高职院校的教育目的是培养技术应用型高级专门人才,因此需要以职业本位教育观发展专业文化,并落实在课程文化上。

    Aim of education of vocational institutions is to train technology-based high-level specialized personnel .

  4. 大学是研究高深学问、培养高级专门人才的场所。

    University is the place of studying profound knowledge and training highly qualified specialists .

  5. 素质教育是培养21世纪高级专门人才的重要途径。

    Quality education is an important means to cultivate advanced talents in the 21st century .

  6. 对高级专门人才培养的维度&层级解读

    On the Training of Top Specialized Personnel

  7. 高校担负着为国家培养德、智、体全面发展的高级专门人才的重担。

    Colleges and universities shoulder heavy burdens of training higher specialized personnel of all-round development .

  8. 高级专门人才有其丰富的内涵,用“维度&层级”分析框架可以解析出“三维三层”结构。

    The present paper elaborates the definition of top specialized personnel by analyzing its structure and levels .

  9. 第三次全国教育工作会议对培养具有创新素质的高级专门人才提出了明确要求。

    The Third National Education Conference proposed definite demand for training advanced specialized personnel with creative quality .

  10. 随着知识经济的到来,对高级专门人才的需求日益加剧,这给高等学校提出了更高的要求。

    With the advent of intellectual economy , there is an increasing demand for senior special personnel .

  11. 培养有创新精神和创新能力的高级专门人才是高等教育的核心目标。

    Target Compounds : Cultivating innovative talents is the key target of higher education reform . cultivating technique ;

  12. 高等学校肩负着培养具有创新能力、创业能力和综合实践能力的高级专门人才的重任。

    Higher school take the responsibility for the cultivating talents with ability of innovation , entrepreneurship and comprehensive practice .

  13. 海洋资源开发高级专门人才培养实验教学方法探索&以膜集成分离技术为例

    Discussion on Experimental Teaching Solution of Training Superior Experts for Ocean Resources Exploitation & an example hybrid membrane separation

  14. 国家航运事业所需要的高级专门人才大都来自全国各个航海院校。

    National shipping business need most senior specialized talents from the navigation colleges and universities all over the country .

  15. 高等教育是以培养高级专门人才为目的的社会活动,因此人才培养一直是高校的基本职能和基本任务,处于学校各项工作的中心地位。

    Higher education is a social activity aimed at fostering advanced talents , which is the basic function and task .

  16. 大学生是具备良好素质的高级专门人才,而日语专业的学生接受良好的素质教育尤为重要。

    Graduates are special highlevel talents with excellent qualities , which are more important for university students specialized in Japanese .

  17. 培养德才兼备的高级专门人才是推动我国现代化建设事业不断发展的内在动力。

    It is the inner motive force for promoting the Chinese durable modernization to cultivate high-class talents with character and ability .

  18. 摘要培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才,发展科学技术文化,是高等教育的历史使命。

    It is a historical commitment of the higher educational institutions to cultivate the undergraduates with pioneering spirit and pragmatic competence .

  19. 文章认为,大学创新教育的总目标是培养具有创新精神与创新能力的高级专门人才。

    The general objective of innovative education is to foster a high level and particular talents with innovative spirit and innovative ability .

  20. 高等学校担负着培养高级专门人才、发展科学技术和促进现代化建设的重大任务,高等学校的体育工作也应与这一要求相适应。

    The university physical education should share the responsibilities in cultivating specialized talent , developing science and technology , and promoting the modernizations .

  21. 立足党的建设和政权建设,是治党、治政、治军高级专门人才的重要教育基地;

    It is an important education base to cultivate advanced specialized military talents for the construction of the Party and the political power .

  22. 高等学校的管理对象是具有一定学识的高级专门人才,高等学校需要以人为本的管理。

    The object of management in institutions of higher learning is the highly specialized personnel and therefore the management itself must be human oriented .

  23. 多年的教育实践表明,高级专门人才培养的质量在很大程度上取决于学校的课程和教学的质量。

    A few of years ' education practices show that cultivating advanced and specialized talents is mostly decided by curriculum and instruction of universities .

  24. 高等学校是培养高级专门人才、发展科学文化、促进社会主义现代化建设的重要基地。

    Higher education institutes are important bases for the cultivation of professionals , the development of science and culture and the promotion of socialism modernization .

  25. 会计学专业培养能在各类企事业单位和经济管理部门从事会计实务和理论研究工作的高级专门人才。

    The program of Accounting prepares students into financial professionals to be engaged in accounting practice and theories research in enterprises or economy management organizations .

  26. 大学是培养高级专门人才的教育和学术机构,大学存在和发展的基本依据是通过发展学术培养高级专门人才。

    The university is the educational and academic institution that trains qualified special talents , and nothing else can justify the existence of a university .

  27. 地方性本科院校担负着为国家尤其是为地方培养高级专门人才和知识创新、技术创新的使命。

    The local colleges undertake the mission of fostering advanced professionals and innovation of knowledge and technology for the country , especially for the local areas .

  28. 以适应21世纪科技、经济、文化、社会发展对高级专门人才的需求。

    It can be adapted to the development of science , culture , society in the21th century , then satisfy the requirement of advanced special talents .

  29. 本科高校作为高等教育的主力军,已经成为向社会输送高级专门人才的主要部门之一。

    As the main part of Chinese higher education , undergraduate colleges and universities have become a very important department for society to transport high-level professional graduates .

  30. 培养社会主义现代化建设所需要的高级专门人才是我国高等教育的根本任务之一。

    Ne of the fundamental tasks of the institutes of higher learning in China is to train senior specified personnel needed in the building of socialist modernizations .