
  1. 关于远程高等教育科学发展中的政府角色问题

    Governmental Role in the Scientific Development of Higher Distance Education

  2. 树立新的德育理念推动高等教育科学健康发展

    Establishing new ideas about moral education and promoting healthy development of higher education

  3. 依法强化教师主导作用推动高等教育科学发展

    Enhance the Leading Role of Teachers According the Law , Promote the Scientific Development of Higher Education

  4. 重视高等教育科学研究提高工程应用型本科生培养质量

    Paying great attention to higher education scientific research , increasing training quality of undergraduates with engineering applied model

  5. 云南特色高等教育科学发展之路&高等学校三生教育研究

    The Scientific Development Road to Higher Education with Yunnan Characteristic & Study on " Sansheng Education " in Colleges and Universities

  6. 该大学已成为一为传统中药,医疗服务和安徽省高等教育科学研究的重要基地。

    The University has become a major base for the higher education of traditional Chinese medicine , medical service and scientific research in Anhui province .

  7. 本文是全国高等教育科学十五规划重点课题《高职院校实践教学模式及实现路径的研究》的研究成果。

    This article is an abstract , which is the finding of the " tenth-five " planned main subject of the national higher educational science , researching on practical teaching models and achieving methods in the higher vocational colleges .

  8. 上周(9月15日)伊拉克的高等教育和科学研究部部长AbdDhiabal-Ajili宣布成立科学研究署。

    The SRA was announced by Abd Dhiab al-Ajili , the Iraqi minister for higher education and scientific research last week ( 15 September ) .

  9. 它将独立于高等教育和科学研究部(MHESR)运行,并且将拥有一个独立的预算,其数字尚未披露。

    It will function independently from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research ( MHESR ) and have a separate , as yet undisclosed , budget .

  10. 现代高等教育:科学教育与人文教育的融合

    Modern High Education : Harmonization of Science Education and Humanities Education

  11. 以人为本:高等教育实践科学发展观的本质要求

    People-oriented : The Essential Demand of Higher Education Practising Scientific Development Viewpoint

  12. 菲律宾农业机械高等教育与科学研究发展浅析

    Development of Higher Education and Scientific Researches on Agricultural Machinery in Philippines

  13. 成人高等教育贯彻科学发展观之管见

    Adult Higher Education Based on Scientific Developing View

  14. 浅谈高等教育的科学管理

    On the Science Management of Higher Education

  15. 忽视高等教育的科学、思想创新和引导、示范功能;

    Overlooking scientific and thinking innovation of high education and its function of guidance and demonstration ;

  16. 发展中国家常常缺乏关于高等教育和科学研究人员的国家性别统计数据。

    National gender-specific statistics for tertiary education and science researchers are often lacking in the developing world .

  17. 构建普通高校成人高等教育的科学发展观

    Set up the Scientific Development View on the Higher Education of Adults at Regular Colleges and Universities

  18. 20世纪前期我国高等教育关于科学与人文关系的探讨

    On the Opinions about Relationship Between Sciences and Humanities in the Higher Education During the First Half of 20th Century

  19. 高等教育:科学教育与人文教育的统一联合国教育科学文化组织/教科文组织

    Higher Education : the Combination of Science and Humanistic Education ; " United Nations Educational , Scientific & Cultural Organization "

  20. 为此,我们应当建立高等职业教育科学发展的长效机制,营造和谐的发展氛围;

    Therefore , we should establish a long-effect mechanism of the scientific development of higher vocational education , Create a harmonious development atmosphere ;

  21. 研究大学师生有效交往的理论与实践,也是高等教育领域科学研究的重要课题之一。

    Scientific research on the effective interaction theory and practice between university teachers and students in the field of higher education is undoubtedly important .

  22. 国际化、应用型人才培养是高等教育适应科学技术进步和社会经济发展,适应经济全球化趋势的必然要求。

    High-level and applied talents training is the necessary requirement for the higher education to adapt scientific and technological progress , social economic development and economic globalization trend .

  23. 高校教学团队建设是高等教育落实科学发展观、提高教学质量、推进我国高等学校教学改革的一项重要工作。

    The construction of College Teaching Team is an important work of implementing the scientific outlook on development and of improving teaching quality and of promoting higher education reform .

  24. 教育中介组织作为推进高等教育管理科学化、主化的有效组织形式,既具一般组织的性质和特征,又具自身独有的权限和特征。

    As an effective means for improving scientific and democratization of higher education management , educational medi-organization has feature and the nature of general organization , and again has its own unique feature and authority .

  25. 倡导科学教育与人文教育并重,弘扬科学精神与人文精神,促使我国高等教育向科学人文阶段转变,是我国当前高等教育发展的必然选择。

    It 's necessary for higher education to pay equal attention to science education and humanism education and develop the spirit of science and humanism equally , so that it can turn to the science-humanism period . Mr.

  26. 论大学数学教育在高等教育中的科学创新功能

    Science Innovative Function of the College Mathematics Education in Higher Education

  27. 高等教育应该突出科学精神的塑造与培养

    The Higher Education Should Highlight the Molding and Cultivation of Scientific Spirit

  28. 基于高等教育中的科学精神培育

    The training of scientific spirit in higher education

  29. 教育性视角的高等教育评价具有科学性、深刻性和反思性。

    An educational perspective of higher education evaluation possesses the quality of science , profoundity and anti-thinking .

  30. 并尝试提出在高等教育中实施科学精神教育时所采取的多种途径。

    And try a variety Scientific spirit education of ways in on the implementation of the higher education .