
  • 网络senior reporter
  1. 同样地,在线杂志《theverge》的高级记者肖恩&12539;霍利斯特(SeanHollister)对这些设备的一些小机关也很是怀念。

    Similarly , Sean Hollister , a senior reporter for the online magazine the Verge , waxed nostalgic for these devices ' trappings .

  2. CNN驻联合国高级记者理查德·罗斯:欢迎来到联合国安理会。

    RICHARD ROTH , CNN SENIOR U.N. CORRESPONDENT : Welcome to the United Nations Security Council .

  3. 中央电视台副总编辑,高级记者。

    Deputy editor-in-chief of China Central Television , senior journalist .

  4. 政府特殊津贴获得者职称为高级记者,享受政府特殊津贴。

    Comrade Ma is a senior journalist and acquired the government special allowance .

  5. 埃德亨利,我们的白宫高级记者,带我们了解更多相关信息。

    Ed Henry , our senior White House correspondent , has more on that event .

  6. 几个月前,一位前新华社高级记者就是因为向日本和韩国外交官提供这方面的信息,而被判18年监禁。

    Several months ago a senior Chinese journalist with Xinhua news agency was jailed for 18 years for providing information on just that subject to Japanese and South Korean diplomats .

  7. 下面是CNN高级国会记者DanaBash。

    Here 's CNN senior congressional correspondent Dana Bash .

  8. 一个星期后,一名高级中国记者在首都听到抱怨。

    A week later , a senior Chinese journalist in the capital was heard complaining .

  9. 美国广播公司高级驻外记者伊恩·潘内尔,从一开始就负责报道这场战争,接下来我们听一下他从多哈带回的报道。

    ABC 's senior foreign correspondent Ian Pannell , who 's covered the war since the beginning , is in Doha .

  10. 美国国防部一位高级官员向记者表示:朝鲜将是一个非常重要的议题。

    North Korea will factor in very strongly , a senior US defence official told reporters .

  11. 一位不愿透露姓名的高级官员对记者们说,有关粮食援助的决定最快将于星期三对外宣布。

    A senior official who spoke to reporters on terms of anonymity said an aid announcement could come as early as Wednesday .

  12. 韩国高级官员告诉记者,如果北韩继续阻止调查,韩国可能很快进一步对北韩采取强硬政策。

    Senior South Korean officials are now telling journalists the South may stiffen its policy toward the North even further soon , if North Korea continues to stonewall the investigation .

  13. 一名高级官员向记者表示,利比亚领导人在英格尔伍德搭帐篷的想法“糟糕透顶”。他表示,国务院仍在讨论对于此事的正式立场。

    A senior official who spoke to reporters here called the idea to put the tent in Englewood " awful ," but said the State Department was still discussing its formal position on the matter .

  14. 一位高级官员对记者说,包括阿拉伯国家在内的有关各方“开始凝聚”在赖斯推动的三方战略周围。但是,用他的话说,“目前还远远没有到能够达成协议的时候”。

    A senior official who spoke to reporters said concerned parties , including Arab states are " starting to coalesce " around the three-part strategy Rice is pursuing , but in his words " are not there yet by any stretch " of the imagination .

  15. 正在丹麦参加会议的印度高级谈判代表对记者说,当前的全球排放协定,也就是京都议定书,“即便没有死掉,也可以算是病危了。”

    And the top Indian negotiator on site at the meeting in Denmark tells reporters the current global emissions treaty , the Kyoto Protocol ," is in intensive care , if not dead . "

  16. 三人均缺席今年3月份的业绩发布会,主持记者招待会的高级经理遭到了记者们连珠炮般的提问,询问主席兼行政总裁郭炳湘休假一事。

    All three were absent at the March briefing and the senior managers who hosted the press conference were barraged with questions about the leave of absence taken by Walter Kwok , chairman and chief executive .