
  • 网络exchange fund;Hong Kong Exchange Fund
  1. 全球资本市场极度动荡,香港外汇基金亦未能幸免。

    Global capital markets is extremely volatile , the Hong Kong Exchange Fund has also not been spared .

  2. 香港外汇基金约有86%的资产以美元持有。

    The exchange fund holds about 86 per cent of its assets in US dollars .

  3. 至于香港外汇基金还将投资于其它哪些新兴市场,那就取决于读者的想象力了:香港金管局不愿详述。

    As for where else in emerging markets the Exchange Fund will invest , that is up to the imaginations of our readers : the HKMA is being tight-lipped .