
  1. 该公司搭上了最近一轮“web2.0”上市浪潮的便车,获得了高估值。

    It was riding the wave of other " web 2.0 ″ properties that had recently gone to the market and garnered strong valuations .

  2. 之前已有两家风投公司拒绝了ThePoint公司,一部分原因是它希望获得高估值,但仍然缺乏能创造收入的真正战略。

    Two previous VC firms had turned The Point down , in part because it wanted a high valuation without any real strategy for generating revenue .

  3. 随着波动性笼罩股票市场,投资者威胁将回避高估值个股,世界各地企业正被迫收缩首次公开发行(IPO)的规模和定价。

    Companies worldwide are being forced to slash the size and price of multimillion-dollar stock market debuts as volatility takes hold and investors threaten to shun high valuations .

  4. 它们都享有高估值,且都面临有机增长的放缓。

    They all enjoy high valuations and face slowing organic growth .

  5. 但就本文所述问题而言,高档产品理应得到高估值。

    But , on this occasion , premium product deserves a premium rating .

  6. 高估值和强竞争增强一般价值投资者对低回报的恐惧。

    High valuations and intensified competition raise the specter of lower returns for value investors generally .

  7. 而更大的傻瓜坚持认为,这次不一样,高估值得到重大机遇的支撑。

    Those greater fools insist it is different this time and high valuations are justified by great opportunities .

  8. 人们可能会注意到分红股票的高估值,因此认为其价格过高。

    It is tempting to look at the high valuations attached to dividend-paying stocks and say they are overpriced .

  9. 鉴于目前内地市场的高估值,许多企业可能愿意增发股票。

    Given the high valuations in the mainland market at the moment , many companies would probably be willing sellers .

  10. 高估值背后的市场逻辑&外资高价收购中国啤酒企业的市场价值解读

    Market Logic behind High Value & Analysis of the Market Value of the Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises Purchasing Chinese Beer Companies at High Price

  11. 如果投资者基础过于薄弱,高估值可能会迅速消融。泰国酿酒目前的股价已低于2006年的首发价格。

    High valuations can quickly melt away if the investor base is too shallow : Thai Beverages is below its 2006 initial public offering price .

  12. 当时该公司股票因此迅速丧失了高估值,其预期市盈率从2011年5月的18倍跌落至年底的15倍。

    Its shares quickly lost their premium rating , falling from 18 times forecast earnings in May 2011 to 15 times by the end of the year .

  13. 显然,开始创业时越年轻,在一个竞争日益激烈的行业中取得成功的可能性就越高,这些领域中目前高估值已成为常态。

    Apparently , the younger you are , the higher your odds are at succeeding in an increasingly competitive area of the industry where skyrocketing valuations are the norm .

  14. 鉴于这家社交媒体大型公司在流行文化领域的地位,离谱的高估值一直都在人们的预料之中,但1040亿美元的估值依然是个疯狂的数字。

    While a lofty and unjustifiably high valuation for the social media giant had been expected given its position in popular culture , a $ 104 billion valuation is borderline bonkers .

  15. 此外,人们普遍以为,新兴市场经济增长较快,股市回报理应水涨船高,这将证明高估值是合理的。然而,实际情况似乎与这种观点相左。

    Further , the widespread assumption that faster economic growth in emerging markets will feed through into stronger stock market returns , justifying higher valuations , appears to run counter to the evidence .

  16. 以创业板为代表的高估值品种面临较大的回归压力,扩容节奏的加快,尤其是新三板的推出将加速创业板泡沫的破灭。

    The overvalued stocks represented by GEM stocks faced huge pressure of valuation correction , as the GEM expanded , particularly the launch of new tertiary board , will speed up the burst of GEM bubble .

  17. 过去几年,由于高估值及来自私人股本的激烈竞争,所谓的价值投资者被迫离场观望。他们相信,金融与资本市场危机如今带来了低价收购企业的良机。

    After years pushed to the sidelines by high valuations and fierce competition from private equity , so-called value investors believe the financial and capital market crisis now offers a great opportunity to buy companies at bargain prices .

  18. 当然,也有很贵的上市公司,但它们的高估值来自于相当广泛的需求,就连刚刚首发上市,流动性有限的新股也是如此,这和赢得私营企业投资权的风投给出的高价完全不同。2.市场动力

    Sure , there are expensive public stocks but , even for newly IPO 'd companies with limited public floats , high multiples are driven by fairly broad-based demand versus a high price based on the winner of a scarcity auction . 2 . Momentum

  19. 在企业投资价值分析部分通过P/E分析和市净率分析回顾企业成长历程并与其它企业相比较浅析资本市场给予苏宁电器高估值的原因。

    Through the P / E analysis and price-to-equity analysis at the part of value of business investment , the article reviews process of business growth and compared with other enterprises of the capital market given the reasons for the high valuation of Suning Appliance Group .

  20. 在高估N值情况下的叶绿素和水分反演精度明显高于低估N值的情况;

    The inversion accuracy of chlorophyll and water content by using overestimated N is better than that by using underestimated N ;