
  • 网络portfolio;Stock Portfolio
  1. 并根据该指标,提出了股票投资组合的优化模型。

    Based on this index , an optimization model of stocks portfolio is put forward .

  2. 基于β和企业资信的股票投资组合绩效研究

    The Performance of Stock Portfolio Based on the β and Enterprise Credibility

  3. 例如,假设一个这样的财务机构,它将有关其客户股票投资组合的数据存储在一个关系数据库系统中,比如MySQL、DB2或Oracle。

    For example , picture a financial institution that stores data about its customers'stock portfolios in a relational database system such as MySQL , DB2 , or Oracle .

  4. 今年6月,日本6家最大的银行集团自称其股票投资组合的未变现收益超过500亿美元,但按照巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)的计算,市场的下跌已让收益变为小幅亏损。

    The country 's six biggest banking groups boasted unrealised gains on their equity portfolios of over $ 50bn in June but , as Barclays Capital calculates , tanking markets have morphed that into a small loss .

  5. 自2012年以来,BANT的崛起推动了新兴市场股票投资组合的剧烈重组。

    The rise of the Bants has helped drive a dramatic reshaping of EM equity portfolios since 2012 .

  6. 现如今,股票投资组合看起来是更胜一筹的选择。

    These days stock portfolios appear to be the well of choice .

  7. 而不只是恢复人们的股票投资组合和储蓄账户

    Beyond just recovering people 's stock portfolios and their saving accounts .

  8. 论股票投资组合的风险收益及组合策略

    On Combined Strategies of Risk Incomes of Stock Investment

  9. 稳健统计方法在股票投资组合中的应用研究

    The Application of Robust Statistics to Stock Portfolio Problem

  10. 社保基金股票投资组合的行业偏好初探

    Research on the industrial preference of the social security fund stock investment portfolio

  11. 构建股票投资组合。

    Build a portfolio of stocks and shares .

  12. 股票投资组合管理与优化模型

    Management and optimization model of stocks portfolio

  13. 实证研究结果对股票投资组合风险管理具有一定的指导意义。

    The results of empirical research on the equity portfolio risk management has a certain significance .

  14. 对股票投资组合国际多元化的效应的研究,国外的文献已经多如汗牛充栋了。

    There is a plethora of research literature about the diversification effect of stock portfolio overseas .

  15. 沪市股票投资组合规模与风险分散化关系的进一步研究

    A Further Study of the Relationship between Size of Portfolios and Risk Diversification in Shanghai Stock Market

  16. 如今,韦施勒负责管理伯克希尔公司1280亿美元股票投资组合中的90亿美元。

    Today , Mr Weschler runs a $ 9bn slice of Berkshire 's $ 128bn equity portfolio .

  17. 其基本理论方法应用到股票投资组合中,可以降低投资风险,提高投资组合的收益率。

    The basic theories and methods of quality control chart can be used in the investment-combination of stocks .

  18. 当股票投资组合价值下跌时,即使非常富有的人也不得不减少支出。

    Even the very wealthy have to curtail their expenditure when the value of their stock portfolios decline .

  19. 许多中国公司一直在参与股市,但保险公司的股票投资组合规模最大。

    Many Chinese companies have been playing the stock market , but insurers have the biggest equity portfolios .

  20. 市场中性-证券对冲:股票投资组合入股同样长,短,一般在市场相同的部门。

    Market Neutral-Securities Hedging : Invests equally in long and short equity portfolios generally in the same sectors of the market .

  21. 这道公式也可以改良一下,使之适用于同时下多个赌注换言之,股票投资组合。

    The formula can also be modified so that it applies to multiple simultaneous bets in other words , a stock portfolio .

  22. 另外,社保基金股票投资组合的非系统性风险分散能力不强,这说明基金管理人的操作能力还有待加强。

    In addition , the dispersion capacity of non-systematic risk of stock portfolios of National Social Security Fund is not very good .

  23. 然后通过选取三种不同形式的趋势跟踪交易系统对在沪深两市随机建立的股票投资组合进行了实证研究。

    Then select three different forms of trend-following trading system set up in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock portfolio randomly conduct an empirical study .

  24. 备兑买入基金通过放弃股票投资组合的部分潜在利得,换取有保证的收益流。

    A covered call gives up some of the potential gains from a portfolio of shares in return for a guaranteed stream of income .

  25. 你可以把套利定价中的因素想成代表着易受一种普遍影响的特殊的股票投资组合。

    You can think of the factors in arbitrage pricing as representing special portfolios of stocks that tend to be subject to a common influence .

  26. 如果复苏时间增加10年,那么四分之一的美国人在其有生之年都将无法看到自己的股票投资组合创下新高。

    Add 10 years to the recovery time and a quarter of Americans could have share portfolios that never break new ground in their lifetimes .

  27. 本文运用描述统计方法和实证分析分析方法对全国社保基金股票投资组合进行了持股特征评价、风险收益评价和业绩分解评价,指出其投资中还存在的问题和不足。

    This paper uses statistical methods and empirical analysis methods to analyse the National Social Security Fund , and points out problems and deficiencies in investment .

  28. 在其风险与收益的控制方面,应运用数学方法研究股票投资组合的内涵,以便制定出正确的股票投资组合的策略。

    Based on mathematical methods , the article explores the risk and profit of stock portfolio and analyzes the strategies and methods of stock investment portfolio .

  29. 他的第一份工作是开发一个程序,该程序可以自动拨打道琼斯的服务热线,获取报价,然后挂断电话,以此来追踪股票投资组合。

    His first job was to develop a program to track a stock portfolio by auto-dialing the Dow Jones service , getting quotes , then hanging up .

  30. 我那不多的五位数股票投资组合表现很好,我从利润中拿出500英镑,给了我成年的孩子和当地的教堂。

    My modest five-figure portfolio of shares has performed well , and I give my adult children and the local church an occasional 500 out of the profits .