
gǔ zhí jī
  • rectus femoris;musculus rectus femoris;temoriss
股直肌[gǔ zhí jī]
  1. 90d后,检查各组大鼠股直肌运动单位电位(MUP)的时限和波幅。

    After 90 d , the time course and amplitude of MUP of rectus femoris in the rats were examined .

  2. 股直肌的超声解剖学特点与撕裂的声像图关系

    The sonographic anatomy of rectus femoris and its relationship with tears

  3. 悬吊组股直肌ⅡB型纤维脂类含量增加(P<0.05),肌糖原、SDH和ALP无明显变化(P>0.05)。

    Lipid in type ⅱ B fibers was al-so increased ( P < 0.05 ) in suspended group .

  4. 其发病的主因是患者存在膝关节解剖结构异常,如Q角增加、髌骨高位、股骨外髁发育不良、髌骨形态异常、股直肌内侧头萎缩或股直肌外侧头肥大等。

    Anatomical abnormalities should be responsible for the condition , such as increased Q angle , a high-riding patella , dysplasia of the femoral condyles , abnormal shape of the patella , atrophy of the vastus medialis and hypertrophy of the vastus lateralis .

  5. 术中不切断股直肌的起点,减少损伤。

    To decrease the damage , don 't excise rectus femoris .

  6. 吻合神经血管的股直肌肌瓣游离移植治疗晚期面瘫的改进

    Transferring neurovascular rectus femoris muscle segment for treatment of facial paralysis

  7. 股直肌的应用解剖学研究论B股回购

    An applied anatomical study on rectus femoris muscle on repurchase of B-share

  8. 股直肌内神经血管解剖研究和临床意义

    The neurovascular anatomy and its clinical implication of the rectus femoris muscle

  9. 股直肌血管和神经的分布

    The blood vessels and nerves of musculus rectus femoris

  10. 90天模拟失重大鼠股直肌的细胞化学变化

    Cytochemical Changes in Rectus Femoris in Rats After 90 Day of Tail Suspension

  11. 股直肌、缝匠肌皮瓣移位修复腹壁缺损的应用解剖学

    Applied anatomy of musculocutaneous flap translocation for repairing the defect of abdominal wall

  12. 表面肌电评价不同运动强度和收缩方式的股直肌疲劳的研究

    Surface Electromyogram Evaluation the Rectus Femoris Fatigue under Differential Loads and Contract Methods

  13. 股直肌肌腱的生物力学特点,使其适合作为交叉韧带的重建物。

    In biomechanics , rectus femoris tendon is suitable for reconstructing anterior cruciate ligament .

  14. 股直肌肌内神经的分支分布与肌构筑学特点有关。

    The intramuscular nerve branch pattern had a close relation to characteristic of the muscular architecture .

  15. 中药复康片对卡马西平致损伤大鼠股直肌运动单位电位的影响

    Effect of Fukang tablet on motor unit potential of rectus femoris of rats injured by carbamazepine

  16. 股直肌有上下两组血管神经束;

    There were two neuro-vascular bundles in the rectus femoris : the upper and lower ones .

  17. 作者观测了50具(100例)成年男性尸体股直肌血管和神经的分布。

    The blood vessels and nerves of m.rectus femoris were studied in50Chinese cadavers ( 100 sides ) .

  18. 结果40条股直肌肌肉内外血管分布呈现3种不同类型。

    Results Three vascular patterns of the rectus femoris muscle were found in the 40 cadaver legs .

  19. 小白鼠股直肌的肌纤维类型及运动终板配布的组织化学研究

    Histochemical study on distribution of three muscle fiber types and motor end-plate of rectus femoris in mouse

  20. 股直肌、股外肌在坚持虚步过程中表面肌电图振幅与频率的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of surface EMG amplitude and frequency of vastus lateralis and rectus femoris musculi during xu-bu exercise

  21. 股直肌的神经入肌点集中在股前部上2/5区内。

    The nerve entering point in human RF centralized mainly in the superior 2 / 5 of the thigh .

  22. 结果股直肌是由短肌纤维和肌内腱板构成的羽肌。

    Results RF was a kind of penniform muscle which was composed of short fascicle and intramuscular tendon board .

  23. 腰肌与耻骨肌、股直肌和缝匠肌协作,使直腿一侧髋部折叠。

    The psoas conspires with the pectineus , rectus femoris and Sartorius muscles to bend the straight leg hip .

  24. 驻极体促进狗股直肌移植后功能的恢复

    The effect of electret substrate on functional recovery of musculus rectus femoris grafts : an experimental study in the dog

  25. 第二切口在髂前上棘下一横指横切口,切断股直肌直头。

    The second incision is made below and medial to the anterior superior iliac spine in a transverse and slightly oblique direction .

  26. 测量其胫骨前肌、外侧腓肠肌、股直肌和股二头肌的肌电图。

    The electromyogram ( EMG ) of each subject 's tibial anterior , lateral gastrocnemius , biceps femoralis and rectus femoralis was measured .

  27. 不同负荷训练对小白鼠股直肌肌纤维型和运动终板影响的组织化学研究

    A histochemical study of the influence of different loaded training on the muscular fiber types and motor end-plates of musculus rectus femoris in mice

  28. 本实验以免载体股直肌为实验模型,研究了该肌在一定脉冲电流刺激下其初长度与收缩力、肌张力及肌力变化的相互关系。

    The relations between the initial length of rabbit 's muscles rectus femoris and its contraction tension were studied with stimulation of pulse electric current .

  29. 采用文献上典型的力竭性离心运动来训练45只大鼠,用光镜、电镜观察运动后即刻,运动后21小时以及48小时,鼠比目鱼肌和股直肌的形态学结构。

    Rats were trained by means of the typical exhaustive centrifugal exercise , and theoptical / electronic miCroscopes were employed to observe the skeletal muscular structure ( SMS ) .

  30. 股直肌(穿过骨盆连结到大腿前侧的一块肌肉)与另外两块肌肉共同作用使腿伸直。

    One of the muscles that crosses the hip and runs down the front of the thigh-the rectus femoris-work in concert with the other two muscles to stabilize the leg .