
  • 网络tax system
  1. 要增加老年人就业,我们应改革税收体系,以增强继续工作的激励,例如提高55岁以上人群缴纳国民保险(ni)费的门槛。

    And to increase employment among older workers we should reform the tax system to strengthen incentives to stay in work for instance , raising national insurance thresholds beyond the age of 55 .

  2. 为了改变现状,巴克莱(Barclays)分析师们认为政府应推迟退休年龄,简化税收体系,并采用清晰的预算上限。

    To get its house in order , the analysts at Barclays ( BCS ) believe that the government should increase the retirement age , simplify the tax system and adopt clear budgeting ceilings .

  3. 在科学发展观下建立绿色税收体系

    The Establishment of Green Taxation System under the Scientific Development View

  4. 这样安排税收体系可以减少无谓损失。

    Organising the tax system in this way reduces deadweight loss .

  5. 关键在于改变地方政府的财政和税收体系。

    The key is to change local governments'financial and taxation systems .

  6. 构建和完善我国生态税收体系的研究

    The Study of Eco-tax System 's Construction and Consummation in China

  7. 论唐代税收体系和结构的发展变化

    The Development of Tax System and Structure in the Tang Dynasty

  8. 完善税收体系缩小个人收入分配差距

    Perfect the tax system and reduce the difference in personal income

  9. 帝国的基层税收体系也遭到破坏。

    The primary tax system of the empire were also damaged .

  10. 中国绿色税收体系建设问题研究

    Study on the Problem about the Construction of Green-Taxation System in China

  11. 新形势下我国地方税收体系的建立与完善

    Constructing and Perfecting China 's Local Taxation System in the New Situation

  12. 对构建符合中国国情的生态税收体系的思考

    Thoughts on Establishing the Ecological Taxation System Which Accords with Chinese Conditions

  13. 这包括改革社保、医疗保健和我们的税收体系。

    This includes reforming social security , healthcare and our tax systems .

  14. 建立科学合理的房地产税收体系

    Setting up a Scientific and Reasonable Real Estate Tax System

  15. 税收体系复杂还常因为自相矛盾的规定而变得一团糟。

    Thetax system is complex and bedevilled by rules that often conflict .

  16. 遗憾的是,税收体系不知道这一点。

    Unfortunately , tax systems did not receive the memo .

  17. 税收体系将会更加简单、公平和高效。

    The tax system would be simpler , fairer and more efficient .

  18. 论我国环境税收体系的重构

    On the Reconstruction of China 's Environmental Taxation System

  19. 如今英国的税收体系比火星代数还要复杂。

    The system is trickier today than Martian algebra .

  20. 完善我国地方税收体系初探

    How to Perfect the Local Tax System in China

  21. 我国房地产税收体系改革之研究

    The Research of Chinese Real Estate Tax System Reform

  22. 调整地方财政体制,完善地方税收体系;

    Adjusting system of regional finances ; improving system of local tax revenues ;

  23. 构建我国生态税收体系的建议

    Suggestions for the Construction of the Ecological Tax System

  24. 该国税收体系错综复杂,劳工法十分繁重。

    Its tax system is labyrinthine and labour laws are seen as burdensome .

  25. 一个是关于修改加利福尼亚税收体系。

    One would fix California 's tax system .

  26. 建立和完善我国的生态税收体系

    The Establishment and Improvement of Ecological Tax System

  27. 房地产税收体系中存在许多急需解决的问题。

    In current Real estate tax system , there are so many urgent problems .

  28. 分别论述了农业税收体系,农民负担问题的沿革和农民负担的现状。

    Development and nonce situation of agricultural tax system and peasants burden were discussed .

  29. 建立和完善地方税收体系

    Establishing and Improving China 's Local Taxation System

  30. 按公平公正的原则改革税收体系;

    China should reform tax system according to the principles of equity and fairness .