
  1. 税收流失的经济效应分析及治理对策

    Tax lost 's economy efficiency analysis and governance countermeasure

  2. 税收的经济增长效应&基于经济人行为选择的思考

    Economic Growth Effect of Tax-Research on Action Choice of " Economic Man "

  3. 环境税收的微观经济效应分析

    The Analysis of Microeconomic Effects of Environmental Tax

  4. 第三部分,企业年金税收优惠的经济效应和社会效应。

    The Third part , economical and social effects of favorable taxation of occupational pension .

  5. 自环境税收实施以来,理论界对环境税收的微观经济效应评说不一。

    Since the environmental tax is putted in practice , the reviews of theories field about microeconomic effect of environmental tax are different .

  6. 我们首先从税收筹划的基本理论出发,将企业的节税行为分为税收筹划与非税收筹划,进而分析了税收筹划的动机、税收筹划的经济效应、税收筹划博弈过程和税收筹划的形成机理。

    Firstly We study from the basic theory of tax planning , Acts of corporate tax will be divided into non-tax planning and tax planning , Further analysis of the motives of tax planning , the economic effect of tax planning and the game process , and the formation mechanism .