
  • 网络quality management system standard
  1. 这篇文章论述了ISO9000质量管理体系标准、6西格码管理方法、全面质量管理之间的关系与区别。

    This article discusses the relations and differences among ISO9000 quality management system standards , 6 δ manage method and total quality management .

  2. 将ISO9000质量管理体系标准引入教育领域不仅为我国学校管理注入了新的活力,而且也顺应了现代管理理论的发展趋势。

    Also ISO9000 Quality Management System Standards applied in the field of the school educational management is determined by the characters of schools organization .

  3. 熟悉制造业ISO质量管理体系标准,了解供应商的质量管理及品质保证。

    Familiar with ISO system , know supplier quality management and quality guarantee well .

  4. 试论我国公共行政领域引入ISO9000质量管理体系标准

    Analysis of ISO9000 Qulity Management System Standards Introduced to Our Public Administration Area

  5. 国际标准化组织颁布的ISO9000质量管理体系标准反映了当代质量管理思想和质量经营观念,按照ISO标准建立质量管理体系,有利于规范银行的质量管理活动。

    ISO9000 standard of International Organization for Standardization embodies quality management theory and development of quality improvement .

  6. 那么我国公共行政管理机关能否通过导入ISO9000质量管理体系标准来提高质量呢?

    Is it possible that Chinese public administrative offices improve the quality by adopting ISO9000 system ?

  7. 以ISO9000质量管理体系标准的过程方法为出发点,分析了业务过程识别的重要性及基本方法。

    Starting from the process method of ISO 9000 , the paper analyses the importance and basic method of business process identification .

  8. ISO9000质量管理体系标准,自1987年问世以来,经过不断修订,具有更好的科学性、广泛性和适用性。

    With continuous revises , the criterion of ISO9000 Quality Management System , since its advent in 1987 , has become more scientific , universal and applicable .

  9. 从中央电视台获得第一张ISO质量管理体系标准认证证书以来,山西电视台、厦门电视台、黑龙江电视台等各个电视台都在开始尝试将质量管理体系纳入电视媒介管理之中。

    Since CCTV got the fist certification of ISO quality management systems , many TV station such as Shanxi , Xiamen , Heilongjiang TV station are trying to add quality management systems to media management .

  10. 生产过程严格按照ISO9001质量管理体系标准,品质卓越、稳定可靠,一直深受广大用户好评。

    Production process in strict accordance with the ISO9001 quality management standard , remarkable quality , stable reliable , continuously to award high praise from our customer .

  11. 为此,按照2000版ISO9000族质量管理体系标准的要求,构建学校质量管理体系,就是本文的主要任务。

    According to the characters of the schools and ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Standards , the customers of the school should be in a group , including students 、 parents and society .

  12. 要通过ISO9000质量管理体系标准认证,就必须按照2000版ISO9000族质量管理体系标准的要求,构建学校教育质量管理体系。

    A school to gain the ISO9000 Quality Management System Standards Certification has to construct the School Educational Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO9000 Quality Management System Standards .

  13. 我公司是中国最大计算机零件生产商,我们所有产品,都严格按照ISO9001质量管理体系标准来进行生产,品质有保证。

    We are the biggest computer parts manufacturers in China . So , all our products are manufactured strictly in terms of ISO9001 and we provide high-quality and reliable products .

  14. 2000版ISO9000质量管理体系标准明确规定,ISO9000质量管理体系标准认证具有通用性,适用于包括教育在内的各行各业。

    In the ISO9000 Quality Management System Standard of 2000 version , it is regulated definitely that the standard authentication of the ISO9000 Quality Management System Standard is provided with capability of universal , which is applied in every walk of life , including education .

  15. 许多汽车零部件供应商将很希望或者会被要求,将自己现有的QS-9000,VDA6或其他类似的质量管理体系标准加以升级成为国际普遍接受的新标准&TS16949。

    Lots of automobile part suppliers hope his QS-9000 , VDA6 or other similar quality management system can upgrade to international accepted new standards-TS16949 .

  16. 质量管理体系标准在测绘企业的应用

    Application of the systematic standard of quality management in surveying Enterprises

  17. 试论ISO9001:2000质量管理体系标准修订特点与实际应用中应注意的问题

    Discussion on Revision characteristics and application problems of ISO9001:2000 standard

  18. 贯彻质量管理体系标准的实践与效果

    Practice and Outcome of the Implementation of Quality Management System

  19. 浅谈2000版IS09000族质量管理体系标准的结构与特点

    Brief Discussion on Structure and Feature of ISO9000:2000-Family of Quality Management System Standards

  20. 基于质量管理体系标准认证的管理信息系统

    A MIS for Standard Quality Management Certification System

  21. 建筑施工企业质量管理体系标准实施的信息化研究

    The Information System Study of the Standard Application of the Quality Control System in Construction Enterprises

  22. 介绍了ISO9000:2000版质量管理体系标准的特点以及实施方法。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of ISO9000 ; Quality management System 2000 . and its implementing measures .

  23. 本文介绍了修订版ISO9000:2000质量管理体系标准所依据的八大管理原则。

    This document introduces the eight quality management principles on which the quality management system standards of the revised ISO9000:2000 series are based .

  24. 分析了目前软件业常用来规范、改进软件过程的一系列质量管理体系标准、过程模型,结合国内对软件过程改进的研究,建立了组织级的面向中小型软件企业质量保障的过程模型。

    Combining with the domestic research of software process improvement , an organization level software quality guarantee process model for the small and medium-sized software enterprises is established .

  25. 简单介绍了我国现行质量管理体系标准认证认可制度,分析了质量管理体系标准的实施现状,提出了以过程为基础的质量管理体系模式。

    The existing certification of quality management system standard is introduced , its application is analyzed , and the mode of quality management system based on processes is presented .

  26. IS09001:2008质量管理体系标准用于证实公司具有提供满足顾客要求以及适用法规要求的产品的能力,其目的在于提高顾客满意。

    ISO9001:2008 quality management system has provided for the organizations to meet customer requirements and applicable regulatory requirements , the quality of the product , aiming at enhancing customer satisfaction .

  27. 本文结合电子组件类产品的生产实际,对如何按照质量管理体系标准的要求做好生产现场的技术和质量管理工作做了探讨。

    Based on the practical situation of the manufacturing of electronic assemblies , the approach for improving manufacturing technology and quality manage - ment in accordance with the requirements of quality management system standards was discussed .

  28. 文章对国际标准化组织不久前推出,并被我国等同转化为国家标准的IS0/TS16949:2002这一新的质量管理体系标准作了较全面的说明,阐明了其产生的背景及其意义。

    This paper gives a detailed explanation of the novel quality management system ISO / TS 16949 : 2002 , launched not long ago by International Standard Organization and equally converted into national standard by China , describes its background and significance .

  29. 本文通过对小型汽配企业的现状分析,从如何选择质量管理体系认证标准和如何减少认证风险两方面探讨小型汽配企业实施质量认证的方法与技巧。

    It discuss the method and skill of the auto-part industry actualize quality certification : how to choose quality certification criteria and how to reduce the venture of certification .

  30. 组织的管理者应看到,采用质量管理体系各种标准是一种能为他们取得回报的商务投资,而不仅仅是为了取得一份证书而已。

    The management of an organization should be able to view the adoption of the quality management system standards as a profitable business investment , not just as a required certification issue .