
  • 网络target
  1. 轮询模式的前提是对目标指标的定期采样。

    The premise of a polling pattern is a periodic sampling of a target metric .

  2. 比较法的应用,是将实际指标与目标指标对比。以此检查目标完成的情况,分析影响目标完成的积极因素和消极因素,以便及时采取措施,保证成本目标的实现。

    The application of comparison method is to compare the actual index with target index , checks the status of target completion and analyzes of positive factors and negative factors affecting target to complete , in order to take timely measures to ensure the realization of target cost .

  3. 结果:建立了一组包括目标指标与措施保障指标两部分共15个细目的健康素质指标体系与标准。

    Results : 15 items including objective and measure health quality indexes and its ' standards were composed .

  4. 本文认为综合指标形式(包括总目标指标和三个分目标指标)和分析报告形式(包括总体报告和专题报告)为以人为本评价指标体系的表现形式。

    This paper argues that the form of integrated indicators , including the overall objective indicators and the three sub-objectives index ) and analysis report form ( including the general reports and thematic reports ) are the manifestations of people-oriented evaluation index system .

  5. 文中首先推导和讨论了设计基准使用期内构件目标可靠指标β与核爆作用下可靠指标βH的关系。

    In this paper the relation between target reliability index of element in its standard service period , β, and reliability index under nuclear blast action , β _H , is discussed and derived .

  6. 为克服其局限性,本文运用AHP方法来衡量区域新型工业化目标及其指标体系和实现程度。

    In order to overcome this limitation , the article adopts the AHP way to measure the goal , target system and realization degree of regional new industrialization .

  7. 多目标定量指标模糊决策法用于根据各指标的定量数值来分析比较LNG和CNG的优越性。

    According to the specific data of index , Multi-objective fuzzy decision method of quantitative indicators is applied to analysis and compare the advantage of LNG and CNG .

  8. 运用专家模糊综合评价法,从四个维度的绩效评价目标和指标的分析出发,提炼出JS药品认证机构平衡性的指标,形成战略地图。

    Using the professional integrated evaluation method , analyzing with four-fields evaluation performance target , the thesis summarizes the balanced guideline of Jiangsu drug certification institutions and forms the strategic map .

  9. 科技企业目标管理指标及评估

    Index and evaluate of MBO for Corporation of s & t

  10. 国有企业市场化目标与指标体系设计

    The market-oriented goal of state-owned enterprise and design of index system

  11. 多目标评价指标的定性定量规范化研究

    Study of Qualitative Quantitative Normalization of Targets in Multi objective Evaluation

  12. 国内外规范中目标可靠指标取值的比较研究

    Comparison of Target Reliability Index Selection in Domestic and Foreign Criterions

  13. 社会养老保险混合多目标评价指标体系研究

    On Hybrid Multi-objective Evaluation Index System of Social Pension Insurance

  14. 联合火力打击目标毁伤指标分析

    Research on Criterias for Target Destruction in Joint Fire Strike

  15. 为目标和指标设置了哪些具体的可测量的参数?

    What specific measurable indicators have been established for objectives and targets ?

  16. 2000年我国学校体育的战略目标和指标体系

    The Strategic Goals for School Physical Education in our Country by 2000

  17. 公路钢筋砼梁桥目标可靠指标的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of target reliability index for highway concrete beam bridge

  18. MRP-Ⅱ软件选择的多目标评价指标体系研究

    An Approach of Multiobjective Evaluation Index System of Choice of MRP-II Software

  19. 环境方针是否能指导环境目标和指标的建立?

    Does the policy guide the setting of environmental objectives and targets ?

  20. 锚喷支护喷层结构的目标可靠指标和分项系数研究

    Research on object reliability index and partial coefficient of bolt-shotcrete lining for tunnel

  21. 山区水闸抗滑稳定目标可靠指标校准

    Calibration on target reliability index of anti-sliding stability for sluices in mountainous area

  22. 确定桥梁评估目标可靠指标的费用效益分析法

    Cost-benefit Analysis Method to Determine Target Reliability Index for Assessment of Highway Bridges

  23. 结构评定的安全度标准与所采用的分析方法是一致的,采用可靠性分析方法需有目标可靠性指标为标准。

    The aimed reliability index is used as the criterion of the reliability assessment .

  24. 旅游规划的目标与指标

    On the Goal and Norms of Tour Planning

  25. 其中一个重要的参数&目标可靠指标的取值直接影响分析结果的可靠性。

    The target reliability index is an important parameter used in the reliability analysis .

  26. 单线电气化铁路隧道衬砌结构目标可靠指标的试算分析

    Calculation of object reliability index of tunnel lining structure for single track electrification railway

  27. 模糊多目标多指标运输问题及其两阶段解法

    Two-Phase Approach to Fuzzy Multi-Objective Multi-index Transportation Problems

  28. 仿真试验给出了固定、线性、正弦及随机型触发时间同步误差对点目标成像指标的影响,同时给出了相应的面目标仿真结果。

    The effect of fixed and linear error on focusing quality is given by simulation .

  29. 本舆情信息分析指标体系即反应了舆情信息的传播特性又针对水利工程,可以根据目标对指标选择并分析指标的相关性。

    It can choose the indicator and analyze the relevance of indicators according to the target .

  30. 该地区将需要极大加快步伐,才能达到千年发展目标的指标。

    The region will need to step up the pace dramatically to reach the MDG target .