
  • 网络target information
  1. 基于Web文档的目标信息预测采集控制策略

    Strategies for Controlling the Prediction and Acquisition of Target Information Based on Web Document

  2. Fuzzy目标信息系统的知识发现

    Knowledge Discovery in Fuzzy Target Information Systems

  3. 基于双DSP的红外目标信息处理机设计

    The infrared target processor design based on dual DSP

  4. GPS车辆实时监控系统中的目标信息传递方式分析和应用

    The Analysis and Application of the Object Information Transit Mode in the GPS Automobile Real-time Monitoring System

  5. 显控终端显示器采用LCD模块,以文字和图形方式显示雷达目标信息,实现系统的小型化和轻便化。

    Displaying the text and image information of the Radar target on LCD .

  6. 采用BP神经网络的控制方法设计视觉控制器,将图像空间的目标信息映射到机器人坐标系。

    This paper designs a visual controller using BP neural network and maps the target information of image space to the robot coordinates .

  7. AIS与雷达目标信息融合中坐标位置的计算方法

    Numerical method to calculate coordinate transformation between AIS and radar object for information fusion

  8. 通过实验,可知Hopfield神经网络在学习样本少时,也能够输出分辨率相对较高的地物目标信息。

    When there are only few learning samples , Hopfield Nerve Net can also output object information with higher resolution .

  9. 在fuzzy目标信息系统及其知识约简与知识发现理论与方法的基础上,进一步提出了fuzzy多分组目标信息系统的概念,给出了fuzzy多分组目标信息系统的知识约简方法。

    Second , based on the theory and method of knowledge reduction and knowledge discovery in information systems with fuzzy targets , the definition of information systems with fuzzy multi-group targets is introduced and the method of knowledge reduction in this kind of information system is presented .

  10. 极化合成孔径雷达(Pol-SAR)比单极化SAR包含了更多的目标信息和极化信息,已成为遥感应用的重要技术。

    Compared with the single polarized SAR ( synthetic aperture radar ), polarimetric SAR ( Pol-SAR ) includes more information of targets and polarimetric , which is one of the important technology of remote sensing applications .

  11. Link-4A主要用于把指挥控制站所截获的目标信息和指令传输给作战飞机。

    Link-4A is mainly used to transmit interceptive target information from the command control station to the campaign plane , used widely ACLS , ATC , AIC and STK etc.

  12. FRDL所描述的逻辑表达方法以及规则推理公式为建立在模糊目标信息系统之上的决策支持系统、推理机提供了形式化的表示和推理方法。

    The logic and reasoning rules described in FRDL provide decision support systems and inference machines , which are constructed by fuzzy objective information systems , with formal representation and reasoning method .

  13. 采用移动窗口技术,让被试阅读16篇含有目标信息的记叙文。

    The subjects read 16 passages with the goal information .

  14. 在处理过程中,对常用的背景差方法进行了改进,有效的保留了车辆目标信息;

    In processing , improved background subtraction method saves vehicle information efficaciously .

  15. 目标信息和叙述人称对情境模型加工的影响

    The Effect of Goal Information and Personal Narrative on Processing Situation Model

  16. 利用立体视觉系统实现移动机器人避障具有探测范围宽,目标信息完整等优势。

    Vision-based obstacle avoiding system has superiorities in detecting scope and target information .

  17. 防空导弹体系内目标信息传送的一致性方法研究

    Study on Method of Consistence of Target Information Transmission in Anti-aircraft Missiles System

  18. 瞬态声散射信号包含有较丰富的目标信息。

    Transient acoustic scattering contains rich information about objects .

  19. 叙事手法中,信息的延迟与压制能够有效地达到这个目的。凯瑟琳.第二,已经实现的目标信息更容易激活与整合;

    Information delay can achieve the goal effectively .

  20. 模糊目标信息系统上的知识约简方法

    Knowledge Reduction Methods in Fuzzy Objective Information Systems

  21. 一起汽车意外火灾的调查分析战车火控系统目标信息处理的设计与实验研究

    Design and Experiment Research of Target Information Processing for Armored Vehicle Fire Control System

  22. 图像制导导弹获取目标信息时间与导引头搜索区的关系研究

    Research of Relationship between Acquisition Time and Missile Seeker Search Area for Imaging-guided Missile

  23. 我们已经上传了目标信息。

    We 've loaded the target information .

  24. 信号检测与目标信息提取技术

    Signal Detection and Target Information Abstraction Technology

  25. 长时记忆中文本目标信息的激活机制

    Research on the Condition of Accessibility of Goal information in Long-term Memory in Text Reading

  26. 最终实现了雷达数字批目标信息在电子海图上的叠加显示。

    Finally , overlay displaying the radar digital batched objects on electronic chart is realized .

  27. 极化雷达目标信息分解技术及其在古湖岸线探测中的应用

    Target Decomposition Using Polarimetric Imaging Radar Data and Its Application in Identification of Bank Lines

  28. 优势关系下模糊目标信息系统约简的辨识矩阵

    Discernibility Matrix with Respect to Reduction Based on Dominance Relation in Fuzzy Decision Information System

  29. 目标信息的时效性分析

    Timeliness Analysis of Target Information

  30. S模式二次监视雷达能够向空管自动化系统提供更详细的目标信息。

    The Mode-S secondary surveillance Radars output more detailed target information to Air Traffic Control Automation Systems .