
mù xià
  • now;at present;currently;at the moment
目下 [mù xià]
  • [now;nowadays;today;at present] 目前;现在;在此时

  1. 目下现古您们该当正在做末了一讲题了。

    You should be working on the last question by now .

  2. 目下现古是时间决定了。

    Now is the moment of your decision .

  3. 他们目下正在打折卖啤酒。

    They have an offer on beer at the moment .

  4. 目下较忙,几日后再登门拜访。

    I 'm busy at the moment but I 'll visit you again in a couple of days .

  5. 后去我正在1994年购了目下现古那单Merrell靴子。

    I bought my current pair of Merrell boots in1994 .

  6. 目下不过在家温习旧课而已。

    At present I 'm just going over old lessons at home .

  7. 别再劝,再劝我目下当今就跳!

    You don 't try to persuade me , or I 'll jump !

  8. 这件事目下正在调查中。

    The matter is now being inquired into .

  9. 我讲过我两周便可以或许完成,目下现古我做到了。

    I said I could do it in two weeks , and I did it .

  10. 那一窜改得到了游戏玩家的吸应,许多人目下现古借正在玩那款游戏。

    That switch resounded with game players , many of whom still play it now .

  11. 我目下需要的是成功;否则的话&我恐怕将从此一事无成。

    What I need now is a success , otherwise I can probably do nothing more !

  12. 幸而,目下已有兼备高磁导率和低磁导率损耗的铁和铁合金,可资利用。

    Fortunately , iron or iron alloys are available which combine high permeability with small hysteresis loss .

  13. 曾,我念战您分享我的所又哈妙,但目下现古,您成了我心底的奥妙。

    I wanted to tell you all my secrets , but you became one of them instead .

  14. 那些皆市的气候将会贯串通接像目下现古何等,是以,对幸存者的适应才气要供没有下。

    Their climate will remain similar to today , however , so survivors will have less adaptation required .

  15. 目下现古您们的怯气,决计战费力工做究竟了局有了回报,那是直人仄易远的荣誉。

    Yet your courage , determination and hard work has paid off for the glory of Chinese people .

  16. 我们是更下维度中的一员,目下现古召唤您们减进我们此次最奥妙的冒险之旅。

    We of the higher Dimensions are calling to you to join us in the most wondrous adventure .

  17. 至于减押,衡山等县目下已在进行。

    As for the reduction of deposits , this is already under way in Hengshan and other counties .

  18. 苏表示,而目下的现实是,在雷德蒙德的微软工业园区,每天下午5点,交通阻塞就开始了。

    The new reality these days , Su said , are daily traffic jams in Redmond at 5 pm .

  19. 目下现古,一圆怙恃为伉俪采办的房产将正在离婚时保存其独立的统统权。

    Now , the partner whose parents bought the property for the couple will retain sole ownership in a divorce .

  20. 非脂肪肝组出现的有意义阳性症状为畏寒、肢冷、疲倦乏力、太息、目下黑。

    In those without Fatty Liver included intolerance to cold , cold h and s and feet , lassitude , deep breathing ect .

  21. 目下现古的年轻人熬夜,狂悲已没有再是奇怪的工做,对肌肤的很除夜,我们要。

    Now young people stay up all night , carnival is no longer strange things , for the skin , we want to .

  22. 工会可以根据需要在本科目下设置在职人员、离休人员、退休人员等明细科目。

    Second , trade unions can set up under the undergraduate in-service personnel , retired personnel , retirees and other details of the subjects .

  23. 在科级系统关系上,鸥类与鸻鹬类显示出较近的亲缘关系,支持将鸥类列为鸻形目下科级水平。

    The results show that Gulls and Charadriiformes are close in genetic relationship , the Gulls should debase to families level belong to Charadriiformes .

  24. 安然性,目下现古的科技术本领够做到让那层颗粒只是一种有害的附着,没有会对皮肤有什。

    Safety , the technology now can be done so that the layer of particles was just a harmless attachment , not to skin what .

  25. 工会可以根据实际情况在本科目下设置经费集中户等明细科目。

    Second , trade unions according to the actual situation may vary in undergraduate settings , such as financial details of the subjects focused on families .

  26. 目下现古我收现自己活正在一个比死借要徐苦的天下,一个无我容身的天圆的天下。

    Now I find myimmolation in a world which for me is worse than death . A world in which there is no place for me .

  27. 但是目下当今,会发现是期间做点不绝想做的事了,并且它只必要稍微地有所组织和计划。

    You can find the time to do the things you most want to do this month , and it will only require a little bit of organization .

  28. 印度估计成为新的北极,是以临远印度的省分会有极热战挣扎当敝象产死,便像目下现古的减拿除夜北部和西伯利亚所做一样。

    India is expected to be the new S Pole , and thus provinces in China near India will freeze and struggle , as northern Canada and Siberia do today .

  29. 寿司曾是一种独一自己和在“早餐俱乐部”的莫利林格伍德里吃的很新鲜的菜肴,目下当今,不论怎么,在地球上,它是最大作和钟食物之一。

    Sushi was once a strange dish eaten only by the Japanese and Molly Ringwald in " The Breakfast Club . " Now however it 's one of the most popular and beloved foods on earth .

  30. 单目视图下相机标定和平面测距研究

    Research on camera calibration and plane measurement from a single view