
mù jī zhènɡ rén
  • witness;eyewitness
  1. 有新的目击证人证明他的说法,他是被错认了。

    There is a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity .

  2. 目击证人后来修改了证词。

    The witness later amended his evidence .

  3. 警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。

    The police have issued an appeal for witnesses .

  4. 目击证人称梅尔顿先生抽打了这匹马16鞭之多。

    Eyewitnesses claimed Mr Melton whipped the horse up to 16 times

  5. 警方和检察官操纵目击证人指证奥尔多。

    Police and prosecutors manipulated the eyewitnesses so they would finger Aldo

  6. 几位目击证人证明他们看见那几个警官打了米勒的脸。

    Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face

  7. 他的第二份供述与其他目击证人所陈述的事实相符。

    His second statement agrees with facts as stated by the other witnesses .

  8. 没有目击证人站出来。

    No witnesses have come forward .

  9. 你知道那个充斥着电视广播的目击证人?

    And you know that eyewitness that 's been clogging up the airwaves ?

  10. 但是没有目击证人,没有DNA证据。

    But there 's no eyewitness . There 's no DNA evidence .

  11. 大法官LewisKaplan否决了政府目击证人提供的证据。

    Judge Lewis Kaplan rejected evidence from a government witness .

  12. 但是贸然的起诉他之后,曼哈顿的检控官不得不承认,他们对所谓的受害者和目击证人NafissatouDiallo失去了信心。

    But after hastily indicting him , public prosecutors here in Manhattan were compelled to admit that they 've lost faith in their star witness , the alleged victim Nafissatou Diallo .

  13. 折叠自行车生产商大行(Dahon)表示,在中国,公司的调查人员去购买山寨的大行折叠自行车时会戴着假发,以免被造假者认出来,同时还会雇用目击证人跟随。

    In China , folding-bicycle-maker Dahon says its investigators wear wigs to avoid recognition by counterfeiters and also hire witnesses to tag along when they buy the counterfeit bicycles .

  14. 艾薇,你来做目击证人。

    Ivy , you 'll be the witness for the prosecution .

  15. 嗯,他是一个关键的目击证人,我…

    Well , he was a key witness , and I. ..

  16. 美国儿童目击证人记忆的研究综述

    A Review on Child Eyewitnesses ' Memory in the United States

  17. 警方呼吁目击证人自告奋勇情报。

    The police appealed for witnesses to come forward with information .

  18. 他既是目击证人,也是嫌疑犯。

    He 's either my one witness or my prime suspect .

  19. 警察,目击证人,证物,所有的都指向他。

    The police , witnesses , evidence everything goes against him .

  20. 目击证人以清晰坚定的语调给出了她的证词。

    The witness gave her evidence in a clear firm voice .

  21. 没有人能证实他的陈述,因为目击证人已经死了。

    Nobody could substantiate his statements because the witness had died .

  22. 警方仍在讯问目击证人以搜集信息。

    The police are still questioning witnesses and gathering information .

  23. 没有目击证人证明他在犯罪现场附近。

    You had no witnesses to place him near the crime scene .

  24. 目击证人陈述米哈斯警员,当他开火时并没有回身。

    Witnesses state that officer minhas wasn 't turning when he fired .

  25. 你现在是他那件案子的目击证人了。

    You are now a witness in his criminal investigation .

  26. 你已经看到了他的脸,但是你没有目击证人。

    You hardly saw his face , and you have no witnesses .

  27. 而事故是由年轻的目击证人造成的。

    While the trauma of the incident caused young witnesses .

  28. 这就可以解释为什么没有目击证人过来。

    It would explain why no witnesses have come forward .

  29. 目击证人依然是定罪的重要根据。

    The eyewitness is still the main source of convictions .

  30. 法官因为辩护律师纠缠目击证人而谴责了他。

    The judge castigated the attorney for badgering the witness .