- 网络Visual interpretation

The oasis distribution maps of six typical years were made using aerial photo in 1959 , MSS image in 1973 and TM images in 1987 , 1994 , 1998 , 2001 by combining visual interpretation and automatic classification method .
Several notable issues on visual interpretation of remote sensing image
In order to improve the classifying precision of high-resolution image , this paper presented a specific kind of GIS & RS integration technology .
Based on spectrum information analysis of TM images of Zhongxian County of Chongqing City , a band combined program about the extraction of land cover information was developed in this paper .
By using TM satellite image , the changes on the exploration and utilization of the land resources in the 24 banners ( cities ) northeast Inner Mongolia during the last ten years ( 1986 ~ 1996 ) .
Visual interpretation remarks were established by taking TM images in 2000 and 2005 as information source . Then desertification dynamic in Horqin Sandy Land in recent five years is monitored with the help of images and data processing function of GIS .
Through geometrical and projection system transform , standard false color composite , spatial enhance to image , link with land use / cover type , establish interpret symbol of TM image , and to extract information of desertification .
Used computer classification based on the NDVI and visual interpretion results of image classification combined , after extraction of vegetation data . Calculate the landscape pattern index for each year , which is analyzed .
The TM image material of Fuzhou city were emendated geometrically and enhanced differently , and the artificial building information was derived by supervised classification and unsupervised classification , at the same time , those information were compared with the result of translated by eyes .
As to the IKONOS image , the human-computer interaction interpretation is most effective , the area relative precision of which can be up to97.60 % .
Four TM remote sensing images of Guangzhou in 1990 , 1995 , 2000 and 2005 were taken as data for the present study . The images fully covered the area of Guangzhou . The data sources of land-cover landscape were translated under manual and un-supervised interpretations with GIS software .
· Unsupervised classification was explored in each subarea , and the feasible number of the first classification and the appropriate way of recoding were fixed while the precision can reach 60-70 % .
Express My Opinions on Land Information by Visual Image Interpretation
The former incorporate supervision and non-supervision classification methods and visual interpretation methods ;
Comparing with traditional visual interpretation , the precision of this method is higher .
A method of satellite image visual interpretation used in vegetation mapping for lake regions
A research on estimating the area and stock of forests in a county with density value
Visual interpretation criteria and statistic methods of the linear images are suggested according to practical experience .
Visual interpretation of satellite image about paddy soil of yellow earth in West Plain of Sichuan Basin
The experimental results show the fused image is of obvious feature , visibility and image interpretation .
Land use landscape within tideland reclamation area is classified by means of geographical knowledge and visual interpretation .
An experimental study on low-yielding soil mapping in the Yellow River flood plain through visual interpretation of Landsat images
On this basis , the quantitative analysis of landscape features and research on landscape change could be done .
This paper introduces the ERTS-photograph treated with optical process , interpreting the varied conditions for storing subterranean water .
Since the early visual interpretation in the high-resolution remote sensing image information extraction is widely used but time-consuming .
It can be used in systematic surveying attitudes so as to provide much information for naked interpretation of images .
Discuss A Method of Assistant Remotely Sensed Imagery Visual Interpretation on Grassland & Remotely Sensed Image and Thematic Map Semitransparent Overlap
The result of decision tree is high in comparability , but the precision is obviously lower than that of interactive interpretation .
Therefore , the traditional manual visual interpretation methods based on spatial form cannot achieve the detection of this kind of targets .
In the comparison analysis between the multi-factor auto-classification on microcomputer and visual interpretation , both qualitative accuracy can reach to 94 percent .