
  • 网络Reinforced concrete sheet piles
  1. 钢筋混凝土板桩在钱塘江明清海塘防冲工程中的应用

    Application of reinforced concrete sheet-pile to erosion control for ancient sea embankment of Qiantang River

  2. 根据《港口工程结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50158)修订的需要,对港工建筑物的钢筋混凝土构件,板桩码头及重力式码头进行了可靠度的分析。

    According to the requirements of 《 The unified standards of reliability design of harbor engineering 》 , it need a reliability analyse for reinforced concrete structure , sheet-pile wharf and gravity wharf of harbor engineering building .

  3. 而在洪水和涌潮作用段,宜采用钢筋混凝土小方井或板桩加钢筋混凝土护坦的整体结构护脚。

    But in the region , where the seawall suffered by both flood and tide it is suitable to adopt reinforced concrete small well 、 sinking at toe or reinforced concrete piles with concrete apron , forming integrated structure .