
  • 网络tempered laminated glass
  1. 针对建筑用双钢化夹层玻璃生产过程的特点,进行交流和探讨。

    This paper discusses the characteristics during producing double tempered-laminated glass for architectures .

  2. A系列玻璃清洗机是专为配套钢化炉、夹层玻璃生产线、镀镆玻璃生产线而设计。

    HSW-A series glass washing machine is special designed for tempering line , laminating line , coated glass line .

  3. 产品有钢化玻璃,夹层玻璃,防弹防盗玻璃,防火玻璃,中空及热弯玻璃。

    Currently , the products consist of toughened glass , interlayer glass , bulletproof glass , pickproof glass , fireproof glass , hollow glass and hot bending glass .

  4. 建筑外墙的人在墙机上插上碎玻璃以便防贼。产品有钢化玻璃,夹层玻璃,防弹防盗玻璃,防火玻璃,中空及热弯玻璃。

    The builders have toped off the outside wall with broken glass to discourage thieves . Currently , the products consist of toughened glass , interlayer glass , bulletproof glass , pickproof glass , fireproof glass , hollow glass and hot bending glass .