
  1. 其显著特征是,岩石具残余生物碎屑结构,见大量腕足类、海百合茎、珊瑚等钙质生物假象,主要为mm级完整个体,密集堆积。

    The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure , with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms , such as brachiopoda , encrinite caudex and coral , which are several millimeters in size .

  2. DiplograptusdeformisHuangetLu等志留纪兰多弗里世的笔石化石和海百合茎化石,为西昆仑地区地质调查工作的开展和志留纪地层的划分与对比提供了重要依据。

    It provides an important basis for the geological survey and the stratigraphic division and correlation of the Silurian .

  3. 笔者1992年在汶川下庄的结晶灰岩中采到了海百合茎化石,证实其时代属奥陶纪。

    In 1992 , the author found fossil crinoid stems in crystalline limestone at Xia-zhuang , Wenchuan , which were determined to be of Ordovician age .