
  • 网络Maritime investigation;Marine Survey;Marine Suvery
  1. 第8章结合加入WTO对完善海事调查处理体制的基本要求,提出了相应的立法建议。

    In Chapter 8 , basing on the request of entering WTO , some legislative suggestions about marine accident investigation and process system are posed .

  2. 目前我国在涉外海事调查工作的许多方面和IMO的要求还有一定差距,存在一些问题。

    At present , our country 's marine investigation relative to foreign ships hasn 't met requirements of IMO to a certain extent .

  3. 关于建立海事调查事故分析实验室的设想

    Study of the Feasibility to Establish the Marine Accident Investigation Laboratory

  4. 船舶碰撞点分析模式在海事调查中的作用

    The Function of the Analysis Model of Collision Point in Maritime Investigation

  5. 关于海事调查制度几个问题的探讨

    Inquires into several questions about the marine occurrence investigation system

  6. 我国海事调查处理制度的完善

    The Improvement on the System of China Marine Accident Investigation and Process

  7. 浅议海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据

    Discussion on the evidence of maritime investigation and evidence of maritime lawsuit

  8. 做好海事调查和海事预防工作的几点建议

    Suggest a few Ideas on Marine Investigation and Prevention

  9. 船舶海事调查中的证据审查与判读

    Examination and Inspection to Evidences in Shipping Maritime Investigation

  10. 浅析我国海事调查处理立法中存在的若干问题

    Analysis on the Questions of Our Country Formulated Maritime Accident Investigation and Settlement Regulation

  11. 第2章论述了海事调查处理的对象和管辖。

    Chapter 2 deals with the object and domination of marine accident investigation and process .

  12. 第3章重点论述了与海事调查处理制度相关的立法理论。

    In Chapter 3 , the theories of legislation about marine accident investigation and process is elaborated .

  13. 北斗系统在海洋海事调查及管理工作中有广泛的应用前景。

    Beidou system will have a wide range of application prospect in the marine investigation and management .

  14. 同时,针对不足给出了提高我国海事调查水平的建议。

    Furthermore , some suggestions are proposed for improving maritime investigation in China in view of the present disadvantages .

  15. 海事调查处理制度是以解决海上交通事故发生为目的而产生的。

    The main purpose of the system of marine accident investigation and process is to resolve the occurrence of marine accident .

  16. 本文在第1章论述了海事调查处理的目的。

    Here are the main contents of this dissertation : Chapter 1 deals with the purpose of marine accident investigation and process .

  17. 第5章重点论述了海事调查行为的法律性质、《海上交通事故调查报告书》的法律地位和应包括的具体内容。

    Chapter 5 deal with the character of the investigation action , the law status and content included of marine accident investigation report .

  18. 关于公平对待海员与海事调查规则的分析&沉默权与不自证其罪

    Analysis of fair treatment of seafarers and the Regulations for Maritime Investigation & right of being silence and no self admission of guilt

  19. 分析传统海事调查统计模式的缺陷,提出新的非事故数据统计模式。

    Based on analyzing the characteristics and shortcomingss of statistical accident data , a new non - accident data statistical pattern is advanced .

  20. 浅析《海上事故后公平对待海员指南》对我国海事调查工作的影响

    About the influence of the IMO Guidelines for Fair Treatment of Seafarers after a Maritime Accident on the maritime investigation work in our country

  21. 同时,通过对这种海事调查模式的综合分析,论述了独立性事故安全调查与国际合作调查的关系,并对其未来的发展进行了探讨。

    By the analysis of the survey mode , the relationship between the independent MSI and international investigation cooperation and its ' future development are discussed .

  22. 并通过海事调查中对“人为因素”的分析,阐述了人的因素在海事形成中所起的作用。

    Based on the analyses of the " human element " in marine accident investigation , this article describes how the human factors work on marine accident .

  23. 分析了海事调查信息的体系结构,对关系模型的设计方法进行了研究,建立了海事调查数据库系统,并介绍了其运行和维护情况。

    This paper analyzes the systematic structure of marine accident information and the design method of relational model , then builds a database system for marine accident investigation .

  24. 另一方面结合行政立法理论,提出相应的立法建议,以使现行海事调查处理制度提高到一个新的层次。

    On the other hand , to pose some relevant legislative suggestions combining the theories of law and regulations in order to achieve the goal of advancing the administrative level of the current system .

  25. 结合我国海事调查的实际情况,从法学理论到海事执法实践,从国际公约要求到社会安全需求等方面说明了事故安全调查独立性的必要性。

    In combination with actual situation of maritime accident investigation in china , the necessity of independent MSI is illustrated in the respects of legal foundation , maritime administration , international conventions and social safety requirement .

  26. 探讨了利用所得结构损伤数据,推断船舶碰撞前的运动状态,为海事调查取证、证据的可靠性验证提供了更高层面的分析手段有价值的参考依据。

    It strives to use the data from the results to infer the motion of the ships before colliding and to offer valuable references for obtaining evidence in marine investigation , reliability of evidence and judgment of responsibility .

  27. 分析我国海事调查统计工作中存在的问题,从完善数据内容构成和标准化入手,对我国《船舶交通事故统计规则》中海事定义、分类、分级、事故原因统计的内容进行重新设计。

    Having compared and analyzed the problems existing in the recent marine accident statistical work in China , the definition , category , classification , statistic of accident causes of safety statistical data were redesigned , the implementation steps of systematic safety management system were brought up .

  28. 证券及海事欺骗案调查署

    Securities & Maritime Fraud Division

  29. 美国国家交通安全管理局发表声明说,由于这艘游轮悬挂巴哈马国旗,所以巴哈马海事局是主要调查机构。

    The NTSB says in statement that because the vessel is Bahamian-flagged , the Bahamas Maritime Authority is the primary investigating agency .

  30. 对涉及机密、商业秘密和个人隐私的,海事管理机构和调查人员、检查人员应当为其保守秘密。

    Secrets , business secrets and individual privacy are involved , the maritime administrative agencies , and the investigation and examination personnel shall keep confidential of such information .