
  • 网络gale warning
  1. 在船上的无线电收发报机中听到大风警报

    Hear a gale warning on / over a ship 's radio

  2. 刚才发出了大风警报。

    A gale warning has just been put out .

  3. NBA大风警报

    NBA Alarm of gale

  4. 一股低于零度的冷空气将于周末造访美国东部地区。国家气象局对纽约北部地区和新英格兰北部地区发布了大风降温警报。

    A cold wave with sub-zero temperatures is expected to keep its icy grip on much of the eastern U.S. right into the weekend . The National Weather Service issued wind chill warnings across upstate New York and northern New England .