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  1. Lily大爸确实错过了游行,但他为万圣节倾尽心力。

    Yes . Lily , your daddy may have missed the parade , but he was all over Halloween .

  2. 我们知道你上学压力很大,所以我和大爸今天去学校帮你转到了Sparrow老师的班上!

    We ... we know you 've been stressed out at school , so daddy and I went down there today , and we got you into ... Miss Sparrow 's class !

  3. 你不必对大爸言听计从的。

    You don 't have to do what daddy does .

  4. 我喜欢我的新人造貂皮大衣,大爸。

    I love my new faux mink , daddy .

  5. 大爸有点小情绪。

    Daddy 's just having a moment .

  6. 又是个好运礼物篮,大爸。

    Another goodluck gift basket , Daddy .

  7. 你的大爸二爸可是飞天小精灵哦

    Your fathers are floating fairies .

  8. 很抱歉,大爸,但我不想再当小丑了。

    I 'm sorry , daddy , but I think I want to stop being a clown .

  9. 是大爸读大学时背的,他翻了十个箱子才给找出来,因为我藏起来不让他背。

    Daddy 's man purse from college that he had to dig through 10 boxes to find , because daddy hid it from him .

  10. 宝贝,如果大爸5分钟内还不回家,我就带你出去要糖果,好吗?

    All right , honey , if daddy 's not home in five minutes , I will take you trick-or-treating , okay ? Okay !

  11. 听着,我知道你在对大爸实施整盅行为时我也笑了,但我不该笑的。

    All right , I know that I have been laughing at some of the stuff that you 've been doing to daddy , but I shouldn 't have .

  12. 好吧,莉莉,我们认为你可能不会因为你大爸爱哭,你就跟着哭,因为他能影响-整个家的情绪。

    Okay , Lily , we think that maybe you don 't get emotional because daddy gets , you know , so emotional because he kind of handles the emotions for the entire house , you know ?