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  1. 他的百老汇背景,他的声音跨度从男低音到男高音。

    From his Broadway background , his vocal ability ranges from the bass-baritone to the tenor range .

  2. 法国的一项研究发现,涂抹红色唇膏的女招待会从男顾客手上获得更多的小费,但对女顾客而言无效。

    A study in France found that red lipstick boosted female waitresses ' tips from male customers , though not from female customers .

  3. 他的声音可以从男中音跃为高音假声,因此带有男女同体的特质,他一直致力于探索无法量化的人性冲动。

    With a voice that dipped down to baritone and leaped into falsetto , he was complexly androgynous , an explorer of human impulses that could not be quantified .

  4. 还可以从男鹿水簇馆附近登上游览船,从海上欣赏西海岸沿线那些悬崖峭壁的景观。

    A sightseeing boat leaves from nearby Oga Aquarium , and from it you can view the coastline , sprinkled with strange rocks and bizarre stones , magnificent sculptures that nature has created .

  5. 这条几乎不需要解释,如果她体重增加了,那很有可能她自己已经知道了,她最不希望这件事从男朋友嘴里说出来。

    This one barely needs explanation . If she 's put on weight , chances are she 's already well aware of that herself . The last thing she needs is for her boyfriend to point it out .

  6. 一次,我们有一群从日本男校来的外国交换生来参观我们学校。

    At one point we had a group of foreign exchange students from an all boys school that came to visit from Japan .

  7. May在一家外企有一份不错的人力资源工作,会说流利的英语。她说这是她第一次来参加相亲,之前从没有过男朋友,也没有恋爱过。

    May , who has a good job in human resources at an international firm and speaks fluent English , said this was her first time at a match-making event . She said she had never had a boyfriend before or been in love .

  8. 你能够加你的自己的画,计算你的血液酒精水平,和从酒吧间男招待得到秘诀。

    You can add your own pictures , compute your blood alcohol level , and get tips from bartenders .

  9. 我想她用不了多久就会从同她男朋友的关系破裂中解脱出来,那仅仅是少男少女对异性的短暂爱情。

    I dont think shell take long to get over the break-up with her boyfriend ; it was only calf-love .

  10. 从《亚洲男科学杂志》看我国英文版期刊如何国际化

    Magazine Data How to be international for an English journal in China & from the view of Asian Journal of Andrology

  11. 答应我,永远不要去做那种午夜背着行李,从一个男朋友家,流落到另一个男朋友家的女人。

    Give me words , that you won 't be the girl who bears a broken heart and totters from one man 's house to another by mid-night .

  12. 为什么学生会从楼上向楼下男教师吐口水?

    Why do students upstairs to downstairs spit male teachers ?

  13. 你告诉珍妮小姐不要从办公室给她男朋友打电话了吗?

    Did you tell Miss Jane not to call her boyfriend from office ?

  14. 而且还有从巴黎来的男朋友的事。

    And for the record , it was the boyfriend , the guy from paris .

  15. 从癌症存活者到男扮女装者,他们都在上传照片。

    Everyone from cancer survivors to men in full drag have been posting pictures in on Twitter and Facebook .

  16. MsLethbridge向我们展现了截然不同的生活场景——从公爵官邸里忙碌的大扫除到僻静的郊区住宅,从贵族男管家到Barnardo(创办孤儿院的英国慈善家)的孤儿,从衰落的贵族、兴起的中产阶级到外国保姆,如今的清洁工。

    This is the extreme end of Ms Lethbridge 's survey - a vivid sweep from ducal palace to suburban villa , from lordly butler to Barnardo 's orphan , from decaying gentry and aspiring middles to the foreign nannies and cleaners of today .