- uncle;husband of maternal aunt;the husband of one's maternal aunt

[husband of maternal aunt;uncle] 母亲的姐妹夫
My uncle John sent me a bike as a birthday gift .
She lived off campus with her aunt and uncle .
Grunt . Harry supposed that meant yes .
His aunt and uncle stared .
Large families create a large network of uncles , aunts and cousins who can offer advice and mentorship and create connections .
Harry thought this was strangely kind until Uncle Vernon stopped dead , facing the platforms with a nasty grin on his face .
She was diabetic and had seen a TV advert for a doctor in Lahore with some miracle treatment and persuaded my uncle to take her there .
When I became President , Uncle Carl 's cousin Carter Russell still had a watermelon stand in Hope where you could get good red or the sweeter yellow melons .
While Uncle Vernon made furious telephone calls to the post office and the dairy trying to find someone to complain to , Aunt Petunia shredded the letters in her food processor .
Those are the ones I saw my great-uncle Carl grow , pouring water from a washtub into the soil around the melons and watching the stalks suck it up like a vacuum cleaner .
On the last day of August he thought he 'd better speak to his aunt and uncle about getting to King 's Cross station the next day , so he went down to the living room where they were watching a quiz show on television .
True , Dudley was now so scared of Harry he wouldn 't stay in the same room , while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn 't shut Harry in his cupboard , force him to do anything , or shout at him - in fact , they didn 't speak to him at all .