
  1. 用这种方法,你能够在从亮到灰到暗的区域获得有趣的色彩变化。

    You can get interesting color shifts from highlight to mid tone to shadow this way .

  2. 明暗交界线是物体从亮部转入暗部的区域。

    The Terminator The terminator is the area where the form transitions from light into shadow .

  3. 但有研究表明,如果从亮如白昼转到漆黑一片,眼睛的感光度要持续变化长达25分钟的时间。

    But when going from bright light to maximum darkness , studies have shown , eye sensitivity continues to change for up to 25 minutes , he says 。

  4. 计算结果表明,从亮环图中第一个亮环和第七至第十个亮环的一个的直径求中央干涉级小数部分的误差较小。

    The formula to calculate the errors shows that the focal length of the camera lens for taking the interferogram should be long and the diameters of first bright fringe and one of seventh to tenth bright fringes should be measured to make the errors of a smaller .

  5. 我们从极亮红外星系样本中选出了由25个类星体组成的红外类星体样本,研究其光谱特征。

    We collected an infrared QSO sample with a total of 25 objects and obtained their optical spectra to investigate their spectroscopic properties .

  6. 从暗处到亮处

    Moving from Dark to Light

  7. 从降低启亮电压、稳定器件性能的目的出发,设计了一种界面交互穿插结构器件。

    Aiming to lower turn on voltage and stabilize the performance , a new structure device was designed .

  8. 屏幕上的强度分布,从暗到亮再到暗,叫做一条干涉条纹。

    The intensity distribution on a screen from dark to bright to dark again is called an interference fringe .

  9. 巨大的挖土机挖开了紫红色粘土构成的悬崖,从底下掏出亮黑色的铁矿石。

    Huge power shovels gouge long furrows down cliffs of fuchsia clay , scooping out the shiny black iron ore at their base .

  10. 上降供当链败本可以使企业获得更大本润空间,为从户收亮更大价值,非降上企业综开合做力的从要途径。

    Reducing the supply chain costs allows companies to gain more profit and more value for customers , and it is a crucial way to improve the comprehensive competitiveness for enterprises .

  11. 希迪博士说,从暗处到亮处时眼睛适应起来非常快,比如从隧道里出来重见天日时,但从亮处到暗处时需要新生成光色素,因此需要一些时间来完全适应黑暗。

    The eyes adapt quickly when going to the light emerging from a tunnel into the sun , say but going to the dark ' requires the regeneration of photo pigments , and that takes some time to reach full dark-adaptation , ' says Dr. Sheedy .

  12. 希迪博士说,从暗处到亮处时眼睛适应起来非常快,比如从隧道里出来重见天日时,但从亮处到暗处时“需要新生成光色素,因此需要一些时间来完全适应黑暗”。

    The eyes adapt quickly when going to the light -- emerging from a tunnel into the sun , say -- but going to the dark ' requires the regeneration of photo pigments , and that takes some time to reach full dark-adaptation , ' says Dr. Sheedy 。

  13. 《助理》讲述了朱莉娅·加纳饰演的低级新员工的一日生活。她从天不亮一直忙到天黑,接电话、打印文件、拆封瓶装水……你可以将这看成是《穿普拉达的女王》更真实、更低调的版本。

    Structured as a day in the life , The Assistant stars Julia Garner as the lowly new employee who toils from before dawn until after dusk , answering phones , printing out scripts , unpacking bottles of water : imagine a more authentic , low-key companion piece to The Devil Wears Prada .

  14. 马来西亚龙运铁山——这本是一个丛林茂密的悬崖,马来语名字的意思是“铁山”,巨型矿山设备已经清除了这里的棕榈树和其他植物。巨大的挖土机挖开了紫红色粘土构成的悬崖,从底下掏出亮黑色的铁矿石。

    BUKIT BESI , Malaysia - Giant mining equipment has stripped away the palm trees and other vegetation from a jungle bluff here with a Malay name that translates to " Iron Hill . " Huge power shovels gouge long furrows down cliffs of fuchsia clay , scooping out the shiny black iron ore at their base .

  15. 威廉王子,取下你的太阳镜:只有从这里才会更亮。

    Prince William , get out your sunglasses : It 'll only get brighter from here .

  16. 利用神经网络从118.75GHz附近通道亮温反演大气温度

    Retrieval of atmospheric temperature profiles with neural network inversion of microwave radiometer data in 6 channels near 118.75 GHz

  17. 分别制备了两种配合物的发光电化学池器件,从器件的启亮电压、响应时间、最大亮度、发光效率及寿命等方面研究了配合物分子结构的改变对器件性能的影响。

    From devices , start-up voltage , response time , maximum brightness , luminous efficiency and device life , we studied the molecular structure of the complex changes in the impact on device performance .

  18. 她说:“这几年来,粉色一直在变化——千禧粉的色调更暗,而从千禧粉到亮粉,我们已经见过各种各样的粉色。”

    She explained : ' Pink has been evolving for quite a few years - millennial pink has a duskier shade but we 've seen a variety of pinks from millennial to brights . '