
  1. 有好一段时间,他们找得很辛苦却一无所获。直到他们走进迷宫中一个他们从未到过的地方:奶酪N站。

    They didn 't find any for some time & until they finally went into an area of the Maze which they had never been before : Cheese Station N.

  2. 每年去一个你从未到过的地方;

    Go to a place you 're never been to every year ;

  3. 我不知道您对伦敦有什么期望,但我知道您从未到过亚洲以外的地方旅行,所以,我想告诉您关于这里的一些情况。

    I don 't know what your expectations are of London , but knowing that you 've never traveled outside of Asia , I thought I 'd tell you a bit about what you can expect to find .