
  • 网络Beautiful day;Wonderful Days
  1. 一个凄婉的故事造就了一个美丽的日子。

    It was a dreary story , but a beautiful day now .

  2. 我希望这个故事能带给你们每个人新的感悟,用感恩的心面对每个美丽的日子。

    I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day .

  3. 不管怎么最后你很好的完成了任务你使我们婚礼那天成为最特殊最美丽的日子

    But anyway , you really did , you help the day , it was the most beautiful and special day as it should be

  4. 但在真实世界中每件事物总是存在着,而在一个美丽的日子你将被迫忘记这一切并「永远」离开世间。

    In the Real World everything is always present and one beautiful day you will be allowed to forget everything and leave the world " forever " .

  5. 美丽的日子已逝去很久我似乎还不能呼吸感觉并非如此久远自你从我身旁离去

    till on My Brain ? The beautiful days are long gone And I can 't seem to breathe Feels like it hasn 't been that long Since you walked away from me

  6. 可否记得你我曾经拥有过?那些美丽动人的日子?

    Do you still remember the beautiful moments we had as we were kids ?