
  • 网络Summit of the Americas;Americans Summit
  1. 美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)带着向拉美邻国示好的决心出席美洲峰会,而在峰会结束时,他也收获了两大反美中坚国家的良好反馈。

    President Barack Obama came to the Summit of the Americas determined to reach out to his Latin American neighbors , and he departed with two of the most antagonistic having reached back .

  2. 查韦斯总统是在第5届美洲峰会关于西半球事务一整天的磋商接近尾声的时候作出这项外交宣布的。

    President Chavez'diplomatic announcement came near the end of day-long hemispheric consultations at the fifth Summit of the Americas .

  3. 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯最近批评将古巴排除在峰会之外的做法。奥巴马总统的美洲峰会特别顾问戴维德对此做出回应。

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has decried Cuba 's exclusion from the summit , prompting this response from Jeffrey Davidow .

  4. 美洲峰会日前已结束,尽管在某些共同问题上没有达成共识。

    The Summit of the Americas has ended on an upbeat note , despite a lack of agreement on a joint declaration .

  5. 在墨西哥过夜后,奥巴马总统星期五启程前往特立尼达和多巴哥参加美洲峰会。

    After an overnight stay in Mexico , President Obama departs for Trinidad and Tobago Friday to attend the Summit of the Americas .

  6. 在这起丑闻事件中,将有11名特工和至少5名军方人员被解除在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳的美洲峰会上的安保职务。

    The incident saw 11 Secret Service and at least five military personnel pulled from their security duties in Cartagena , Colombia at the Summit of the Americas .

  7. 古巴一直被排除在美洲峰会之外。古巴的主要盟友委内瑞拉等国表示,希望利用此次峰会推进华盛顿和哈瓦那之间的关系。

    Cuba 's main ally , Venezuela , as well as other countries , have said they want to use the summit to press for closer relations between Washington and Havana .

  8. 莫雷诺还表示,厄瓜多尔希望扩大对华出口,主办中国-拉丁美洲商业峰会,并在创新领域与中国进行交流。

    The president also said Ecuador hopes to expand exports to China , host the China-Latin America business summit , and make exchanges with China in the field of innovation .

  9. 1994年南北美洲的迈阿密峰会启动了建立自由贸易区协议这一进程。

    The1994 Miami Summit of the Americas initiated the process of setting up a free trade area agreement .

  10. 我希望美国总统将在美洲国家组织峰会上听着,他说。

    I hope the president of the United States is going to listen at the OAS summit , he said .